Mr Rogers? NO!
Bozo the Clown? Definitely!
i get the feelings that stephen lett tries to come across as mr. rogers but there are times it oozes through that he is a lot more dominant and controlling then he lets on.
Mr Rogers? NO!
Bozo the Clown? Definitely!
i have been thinking... why would anyone want to join the religion or actually stay in the organization.
i understand that people don’t want to lose their loving family and dear friends so some stay in.
but what does anyone really ever get because they are jehovah’s witnesses??.
They also offer "instant friends" via their "love bombing".
Yes, we have learned they are "conditional" friends (vs true friends), but it feels good when you're "IN".
Yes, we have learned they will "unfriend you" in a flash (and I don't mean just Facebook) if told to do so by the JW Pharisees -- even parents, children, brothers, sisters.
Yes, we have learned it's really all about "control".
hi all.. i didn't want to post this in private because i want all to see what i saw.. the protest at the melbourne convention went superbly in my opinion.
the protesters and their banners were more than eloquent and succinct.
you could feel the emotion they all conveyed.
It appears to have been a very well thought out and planned protest. The signs said it all. No megaphones. No craziness. Diehards might dig in deeper, but I believe there are so many JW's who are sitting on the fence right now. They realize that SOMETHING is wrong. Let's hope they go to Google.
it's been a while since i was anywhere close to being active here, or on any other ex-jw forum or facebook group.
i rarely think about the religion and have little-to-no interest in it.. however, i do, very occasionally pop in here.
hence this update, 3 years on since my last one -
I'm fully aware that the majority of my life has been lived. My youth and vigour were claimed by the cult. But it is what it is. I'm determined to continue living the best possible life that I can. Raising my children to be the best possible human beings. Enjoying and learning from life's ups and downs.
I think that describes the situation that many/most of us have found us to be in. It's so great when a Newbie pops up here that is in their 20's or 30's and you realize they escaped before the Cult consumed all of their good years in life.
The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!
watched a little bit the famous impeachment hearings....the witness sometimes when they were put on oath were with a smiled in their faces, others insecure, and the rest rightly totally outraged.... i turned it off.
too much time on the media for nothing.
it's like the russian thing didn't work to oust trump, and now ukraine maybe.
Democrats (esp Shifty Schiff) are in total control as the majority Party. 100's of hours wasted to try and make Trump look bad (because they know there really will not be sufficient evidence to qualify for ouster). It's all to generate clips for the media to use. In the end, they have the votes and they will impeach Trump (because there is no definition to "high crimes") though doubtful if ANY of the GOP will join in. (This is very unlike the Clinton impeachment which was non-partisan.)
Then it will go to the Republican controlled Senate. They will put on a mock "trial" that they will intentionally drag out because the Democratic senators are not allowed to campaign while the trial is in progress, and they will conduct the proceedings to make the Democrats look bad and in the end they will not convict Trump.
1000's of hours and million$ of dollars wasted. Politics at its finest.
I hope the conspirators in the previous administration are fully investigated and prosecuted for their crimes. ~Simon
That shit is about to hit the fan. Lots of heads going to roll.
it's been reported on this forum that bethel speakers at this summer's conventions are asserting that the establishment of the united nations in 1945 was predicted in advance by the witnesses.
this is being presented as validation of the claim that the witnesses are god's one true organization directed by holy spirit.. .
the basis for this claim originates with a public address entitled, peace - can it last given by n.h. knorr at the new world theocratic assembly, on september 20 of 1942. .
No. It was already in the making before Knorr's great announcement that it would "rise again".
i think it's really sad that people that wasted countless hours preaching for a cult are deciding to waste more hours on that same cult after leaving it.. get a hobby.
enjoy life.. "the best revenge is a life well-lived.
" - some person said this..
I support the peaceful, respectful protesting. I suspect it is a way of "healing" for some people. I'm doubtful if it has any significant influence on active JW's unless some little "blurb" catches their eye and leads them to Google. Thus, I think a little blurb such as:
Why do they call them the LAST DAYS?
Because they last.....and they last..... and they last.......
Go to
Causing a commotion just supports the "mentally diseased" stereotype.
i really like calling myself a watchtower survivor.
it is not demeaning to other people and is not a negative statement.
when a jdub sees that term it may make them think about why i would call myself a survivor.
Yes, it sounds so much better than saying I was a Gullible Fool.
Doc (who is also glad to now be a WT Survivor!)
i literally had dozens of suits.
i still have more dress clothes than anyone i know.
i did give some suits and clothing away and to be honest, i still like wearing a nice suit.. brothers and sisters, are all your “ meeting clothes” still in your closet?
"You might be a JW if............... you wash windows for a living and still own five suits." ~ Jeff Foxworthy
My suits were NOT bought at Goodwill or Yard Sales. They were BIG BUCK$. I am NOT going to set them at the curb for the trash man.
…(and for the very first time), i thought i'd post a new topic completely non-wt-related... about a subject matter i have a particular affinity for.... ..i'm a major movie geek (most people here already know that), but one of the many things i especially like are what i call "middle-finger victory lines".. they are memorable (and extremely quotable) moments of dialogue, wherein the protagonist says an extremely cool or badass comment to a very deserving defeated opponent.... ...usually (but not always) said when victory has just been literally snatched from the clutches of certain defeat, and serving as a tall, proud, and victorious flipoff to the often (but not always) shocked-at-the-sudden-turn-of-events enemy.. my ten favorites:.
"smile, you sonofabitch.
"sheriff brody to the shark......just before firing his last bullet into a scuba tank lodged in the charging shark's open jaws.jaws (1975).
Also from Jaws -- "You're gonna need a bigger boat."