"They deserve the same cold shoulder"
Trust me. That's about all they get (unless it's a former JW attempting to help them awaken). I've never seen anyone interacting with the JW's at the carts. They are just "counting time".
here is a man named jerry.
on a public sidewalk, he asks attendees leaving a jehovah's witness convention in san diego a simple question, ''do jehovah's witnesses have the truth.
not one person acknowledges him.
"They deserve the same cold shoulder"
Trust me. That's about all they get (unless it's a former JW attempting to help them awaken). I've never seen anyone interacting with the JW's at the carts. They are just "counting time".
is there a book (books, articles, etc.
) that systematically examines and exposes wt propaganda techniques?
if not, do you think such a book would be useful in helping people escape the borg or in recovering from their own indoctrination?.
"Combating Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan
It is actually about his involvement with the Moonies, but it is textbook perfect for how JW's operate. JW's are the "poster child" for Cults.
I put off reading this for a few years when I first awakened, but when I finally did so, I WAS SHOCKED! It cannot be explained away by mere coincidence that JW's fit perfectly in the Cult mold.
donations in support of kingdom interests worldwidehttps://docdro.id/mqpxklf petra!
if someone lacks belief is that somehow mean he’s done in their eyes and no way back?
Hardliners would claim that Paul states that “Lack of faith” is the worst if “sins”.
having a conversation with a pimi elder and i asked him how he deals with the fact that he never expected to get old.
i get the feeling that some dubs still have the original generation explanation hard-wired, even though they claim to accept the new version.
so my question is, how old do you have to be to be considered old?
I think it has a lot to do with how you feel and how you act. My mother is close to 90 and says she doesn’t feel old and she certainly does act/live as tho she’s an old lady. Still lives alone. Still drives.
On the other hand I feel so old I refuse to even buy green bananas.
…(and for the very first time), i thought i'd post a new topic completely non-wt-related... about a subject matter i have a particular affinity for.... ..i'm a major movie geek (most people here already know that), but one of the many things i especially like are what i call "middle-finger victory lines".. they are memorable (and extremely quotable) moments of dialogue, wherein the protagonist says an extremely cool or badass comment to a very deserving defeated opponent.... ...usually (but not always) said when victory has just been literally snatched from the clutches of certain defeat, and serving as a tall, proud, and victorious flipoff to the often (but not always) shocked-at-the-sudden-turn-of-events enemy.. my ten favorites:.
"smile, you sonofabitch.
"sheriff brody to the shark......just before firing his last bullet into a scuba tank lodged in the charging shark's open jaws.jaws (1975).
Good reminder for someone who lost years in a Cult:
i get the feelings that stephen lett tries to come across as mr. rogers but there are times it oozes through that he is a lot more dominant and controlling then he lets on.
Here ya go LoveUni:
do your jw relatives still talk to you?
are you now not very close?
are you avoided?
Mostly yes. We are viewed as just "stumbled". The ones that do not speak have made the decision due to other issues. We wouldn't speak to them either.
at an assembly in texas is it me or are there not too many young folk about 😉.
Standard JW auditorium seats.
Wonder what high placed brother owns the biz that sells them to the Borg? Bet he makes lots of big donations.
my oldest boy got pissed that i started going back to meetings so i had one last conversation with him as he moved out.
(only went back to try and not loose whole family) during the conversation things got a bit heated and i mentioned a couple of false prophecies in the bible the rest of family heard so now they think i don’t believe at all.
guess their right think my going back was just a ruse, yes that’s true to.
Only you can decide if it's worth going through this.