I think most are “based on real events”. Kinda like any Hollywood movie that makes that statement. (HAHA) IOW, lots of “poetic license”. Not quite absolute lies
Things like “lost my job” get changed to “sought early retirement” (to pioneer, etc).
at one assembly(tm), i was asked to relate an 'experience(tm)' which i did.
however, during rehearsals, the geezer in charge elder or co or some such title, told me that i shouldn't tell it the way it was.
i did a 're-enactment(tm)' with another 'brother(tm)'.
I think most are “based on real events”. Kinda like any Hollywood movie that makes that statement. (HAHA) IOW, lots of “poetic license”. Not quite absolute lies
Things like “lost my job” get changed to “sought early retirement” (to pioneer, etc).
in the past, the former vp has challenged trump to a push-up contest and today he did again , only this time to an 83 year old man who told biden that he thought he was too old to run for president.
it appears biden called him fat and unlike the man he wasn’t sedentary.
then he challenged the man to a push-up contest.
Yes, there are plenty of Dem VP candidates. Of the 23 in the debate, I suspect about 20 of them were hoping to be selected as VP for Biden or Sanders. That would give them about a 50-50 chance of being president in the next four years as both of them are old enough to die in the White House.
had to look.
first paragraph mentions that most of were probably born after 1914. most?
i bet the dubs 105 and older can be counted on your fingers..
The reason they call them the Last Days -- because they last.......and they last......and they last.......and........
My immediate reaction, Simon! It certainly narrows down one's birthday to 2 days.
Thanks for the warning.
at this pace its going to take more than a thousand years to make earth a paradise .by my reckoning.. what have the g.b.
been saying about his kingdom reign now that its gone over 100 years ?
and what he has accomplished ?.
have you ever reinstate somebody even if they are not that repentant?.
What Fulano said.
If they were attending meetings, "highlighting" their WT with multi-colored markers (so the bro's walking the microphones could see), singing, and following along in the Bible, then you assumed repentance.
Either that or the Holy Spirit would sent a message to you in your sleep to reveal their repentance.
Still, more recently there is talk of it needed to be a year before reinstatement (+/-). They are wanting to try to be sure that a person isn't just faking it to sneak back in and the just disappear.
at this pace its going to take more than a thousand years to make earth a paradise .by my reckoning.. what have the g.b.
been saying about his kingdom reign now that its gone over 100 years ?
and what he has accomplished ?.
What is the general feeling among JW`s that it has gone this long and still no G.T. ,or Armageddon ?
For some reason, they don't even seem to think about that fact.
BTW -- They call the The Last Days because...............they last and they last and they last and ........
this is what my children tell me... get over the whole jehovah's witness thing!
yes, they tell me they have gotten over the whole thing and they tell me that and i need to also.
my exgirl friend who was raised as a jw also has said the same thing.. my children say they got over it, however they are quick to point out how messed up their lives are now because of no college education and other missed opportunities.
Get over it?
I don't think that will ever really happen completely. My wife have discussed numerous times all the things we postponed thinking we would have plenty of time to do "all that" later. For now, we needed to be pursuing Kingdom Interests first in our lives.We needed to do more, and more, and more for Joe Hoover.
Fast forward and now we are getting old and I no longer believe there is any "later time" for us to make up for all the things we have missed out on. WT stole the best years of our lives. While we are doing our best to make up for lost time, there is really no way to regain what we sacrificed for all those false promises.
here is a man named jerry.
on a public sidewalk, he asks attendees leaving a jehovah's witness convention in san diego a simple question, ''do jehovah's witnesses have the truth.
not one person acknowledges him.
"They deserve the same cold shoulder"
Trust me. That's about all they get (unless it's a former JW attempting to help them awaken). I've never seen anyone interacting with the JW's at the carts. They are just "counting time".
is there a book (books, articles, etc.
) that systematically examines and exposes wt propaganda techniques?
if not, do you think such a book would be useful in helping people escape the borg or in recovering from their own indoctrination?.
"Combating Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan
It is actually about his involvement with the Moonies, but it is textbook perfect for how JW's operate. JW's are the "poster child" for Cults.
I put off reading this for a few years when I first awakened, but when I finally did so, I WAS SHOCKED! It cannot be explained away by mere coincidence that JW's fit perfectly in the Cult mold.