Have fun Blondie!
Miss you here!
i haven’t seen her posting lately, is she all right?
i miss her insight..
Have fun Blondie!
Miss you here!
i found a pamphlet in one of my old bound vol.
a 1969 awake, that had a pamphlet from a senator who gave a speech on the hoxsey cure.
i know of several jws who went to mexico and got this treatment.
I also know of several who traveled to Tijuana for this "treatment" and I'm anxious to hear the stories of others. If you feel posting will identify you, please PM me.
i haven’t posted in awhile.
my wife asked me after the year 2000 came and went without fanfare(because the wt organization said all the “new world” would be here within this 20th century would end), “ what would it take for you to leave the truth?”.
my reply was “ if i turn 60 in this “system of things”.
Growing old...? ive been young for almost 72 years. ~ Stan
I hate to burst your bubble, Stan, but NO ONE considers 72 to be "young".
to me personally, steven hassen books have had a tremendous influence on my waking-up over the last years.. i have read 3 of his books.. combating cult mind control(2012 edition).
freedom of mind.
releasing the bonds.
I read "Combatting Cult Mind Control". I'm only sorry that I waited so long to read it. After only a couple chapters into the book I realized that JWism is the "Poster Child" for Cults. The JW model fits PERFECTLY with what Hassan shows to be the methods of a Cult.
It is a MUST READ for any PIMO JW.
two facts to consider: 1) most baptisms take place during assemblies and conventions; 2) the theocratic year goes from september to august.
my theory: the borg changed the calendar of conventions and assemblies so to concentrate the baptisms in a single theocratic year.
if some conventions used to take place in july/august, for the 2018 series they moved them to september.
As ridiculous as it is, there are NINE YEAR OLDS getting baptized.
editor's note: found this on reddit...thought the meat of the post would be a good post for discussion here as well.. consider the three choices god forced upon david for taking a census.
these three choices were forced on king david, not for murdering people, not for raping women, not for lying, stealing, or any crime we can think of in our modern world that is repugnant, but simply for taking a census or in other words, counting people.. for counting people, jehovah forced a decision on david that involved the lives of thousands upon thousands of innocent people.. the choices all dealt with the “way” jehovah would kill thousands of unsuspecting loyal worshipers.. 1 chronicles 21.
“these are the choices the lord has given you.
The reason the political discussions have the most participation is because the religious discussions have become whacked out crazy fucked up.
well, these stories are always fun, right?
let me share mine.. my husband and have been pimo for 2 years.
inactive for one year.
As a former Elder, I think a DA letter make it all neat and tidy for them. No explaining things when the CO comes to town and asks about "inactive" ones. But they still have to worry about the fact you might sow seeds of discontent among those who still speak to you out of polite necessity when they see you in public.
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
Hard to believe that this is the best that America has from which to choose.
well, these stories are always fun, right?
let me share mine.. my husband and have been pimo for 2 years.
inactive for one year.
No one is holding a gun to their heads to force them to shun you,
That is not a true statement!
The Borganization is indeed holding a gun to their heads and threatening them with "spiritual" death if they disobey GOD (Guardians of Doctrine).
hi , this is my first post .. i left jws 30 years ago as 18 year old unbaptised youth and after the initial fallout from leaving pretty much put the whole thing in a box and buried it .. however , i am now starting to realise how much the doomsday messages and the ‘them and us’ doctrines that’s fed to you from birth has remained in my core beliefs.. how have others managed to reprogram themselves ?.
thanks for reading , have a good day .
When we leave, we don't wipe the slate clean. The programming is still there.
Well stated.
We have been "out" for 5-6 years and PIMO for several years prior to that and our JW Programming still haunts me. Belief in the JW false prophesies totally f**ked up our lives. We had all of our "eggs" in the JW "basket". We really really believed all of that (what we now see as TOTAL BULLSHIT) JW doctrine. I've found it a challenge to come to the realization that I will get old(er) and I will indeed die. How in the hell did they ever convince millions of people that they would never die??? WTF? NO ONE has "beat death"! And then there's the lack of emphasis on investment for the future since the "time remaining" was so short.
Yep, our lives will be "messed up" until The End(™) -- OUR END, that is.