It's all about partisan politics!
Both parties would rather see the country crash and burn than let the opposition get credit for anything good.
i think the american people need to get help on the coronavirus and leave it at that!
forget about adding things from the liberal agenda!
the house and the senate need to work together now to do their jobs..
It's all about partisan politics!
Both parties would rather see the country crash and burn than let the opposition get credit for anything good.
as sgt pepper sang, "it was 20 years ago today" ... that i made my first post on my first forum.. i obviously didn't put too much thought into what it should say although i must have burned 45 posts testing things and was too lazy to reset the counter before going live (?):.
but somehow, it worked and grew and here we all are, 20 years on.
Simon: I think you've saved the lives of many people -- or at least "the rest of their lives"!
I'm sure there is a voodoo doll of you at Warwick full of pins & needles.
Simply cannot say THANKS! enough for all you do.
let's add to the following list.
jws are mistaken when they believe the bible teaches:.
1. that their leaders somehow represent the faithful and wise servant.
To be fair, many religions have the same or similar mistaken ideas.
Nearly all believe they are THE True Belief (even though they will be ecumenical when necessary for appearance).
Some have some ideas that are perhaps even stranger than the JDubs, Can you say "magic underwear"?
think of the possibilities, if this technology is all they have to stay in touch with their minions think of the wonderful possibilities..... 1. think of what just one molotov cocktail or flame thrower could do to their broadcasting room and the "world wide work.
2. or better yet if "v" (for vendetta) hacked into their broadcasting system...and told them the real truth.
3. just one rogue bethelite could have all kinds of fun..... i can dream can't i.....
The COVID-19 crisis has JDubs fired up right now. They see it as a sure sign that The End(™) is near. Very, very near. Even many with lingering doubts, those who keep one foot in the door, will step in a little farther right now JUST IN CASE this pandemic leads into Armageddon.
Once it passes, things will go back to "normal" and they'll see it was just another event on the world scene and apathy will again set in.
luke 21:11 11 and there will be great earthquakes in various places, and famines and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven.. .
mr. lett: if these are true signs of the last days, why does the society continue these expensive building projects?
why not delay these projects and help all italians who have lost their jobs and are struggling financially during this pestilence?.
The Spanish Influenza and COVID-19 -- Overlapping sign of the Last Days!
as a us citizen, i am usually a bit skeptical of what comes out of the mouths of government officials.
often they may speak the truth but i’m not convinced of whatever they are saying as being 100% true.
do you believe your government implicitly?
Our politicians will tell you what they think you want to hear.
How can you tell when a politician is lying? Their lips move.
have you seen this on jworg?.
2 minutes in everyone's favourite clow, stephen lett, tells us all that this coronavirus means we're in the last days of the last days.. cool.
Cool. It's like being in the 1980s again when I heard it before.
Or the 1970's. (1975 fiasco)
Or the 1960's. (Cold War vs KOTN and May 22, 1969 Awake mag -- no time to finish college)
Or the 1940's. (1941 Convention and the book "Children" -- no time to marry)
Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
this topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Surely what needed to be said could have been said in less than an hour!
possible cancelling the memorial after years of experiences of bro/sis under nazi , communist oppression and many other countries still conducting the memorial under threat of death that the governing body is listening to the superior authorities regarding this virus pandemic.. could it be that after taking control of the k/halls that the branch/governing body would be responsible for any disobedience to the civil authorities and liable for any deaths.. they would have left upto the local body of elders and encouraged obedience to god rather than men and a lack of faith in jehovah to protect his people..
Whatever happened to, "Do not forsake gathering yourselves together...........EVEN MORE SO as the end draws [so very, very] near".
Joe Hoover is NOT going to be happy with his "slave".
i am curious can a single jw sister get a breast augmentation?
will the elders disfellowship her?
will jehovah be angry with her or upset?
Likely she would be removed of (or ever be allowed to serve in) positions as Elder/MS etc.
But maybe more likely to serve in positions of Missionary, Cowgirl, etc