"What about the overlapping generations nonsense? Do you think the GB
themselves believe this is really what Jesus was talking about?"
I think this was a Bandaid fix. It was quite obvious to everyone that THE 1914 Generation was dead. They had milked that for years. Someone "of age" in 1914. Someone old enough to recall 1914. And, finally anyone born before 1914. But by 2010 they were damn near all dead and still no Armageddon in sight. So they had to "fix" it.
Someone pulled this "overlapping" thing out of their ass and when they had no better explanation they all (or at least 2/3 of them) jumped on board hoping the Big A would come right away and solve the dilemma. But that didn't happen, so...........the BS continues. Several of them will die (much to their relief, since they really think they're going to heaven) and get them off the hook of having to conjure up another "fix". More Koolaid please.