Almost everyone who appears on the site is already an exJW or is PIMO and about to become an exJW.
There is a natural progression, which takes longer for some that it does others, to eventually become an ex-exJW.
Even as an exJW, you’ll likely find that JWism still plays a big role in your life (unfortunately).Even after i discovered TTATT and realized everything about the Cult was BS, I was still engrossed in every glimmer of their New Light or every JW activity. I downloaded everything from Atlantis. Now, however, I can say that I really don't give a rat's @$$ about it. None of it matters in our lives any longer.
We're not going to do them the favor of DA. We still play the "stumbled inactive" card with family. But we are no longer consumed by anything in the JW World. So, perhaps we are becoming ex-exJW's.