Do you still believe in polls?
Of course I do! But only when used appropriately!
i have never believed in the polls.
they are as useless as teats on a boar hog.
likewise, i think the media is so untrustworthy that no one should believe in their perspectives and holy opinions.
Do you still believe in polls?
Of course I do! But only when used appropriately!
a month ago it might have been questionable.
not now.
after bader’s death and biden’s inability, this shouldn’t be close.
why do you suppose in natures evolutionary survival of the fittest, that stupid is not eliminated as quickly as physical ineptness?
Because we do not allow evolution to take its natural course. We do allow the weak and stupid to die. Instead, we give them free money, free food, free housing, a big screen TV and allow them to breed at a higher rate than the rest of the population.
who wins?
who loses?
president/ senate/ house of representatives .
what difference will whoever wins make to the those outside of the U.S.
"When America sneezes, the World catches a cold."
Although still in the middle of this "pandemic", the US economy grew at a record rate (33% GDP) and unemployment fell below 8%. This is thanks to the Trump economic plan. Gas here today is $1.52/US Gallon. When the fracking is shut down or minimized and the Green New Deal begins to be implemented, expect soaring unemployment and $4.00-$5.00 gasoline and higher electric rates nationwide which will likely lead the US into a recession.
What will it mean for the rest of the world when the US Dollar is going to Chevron and Exxon and our utility companies and not being spent on consumer goods from Asia, Europe, etc?
well, here ya go.... dd 🙄.
100+ years of publicizing their interpretation of "God's Kingdom" and still not only does not ONE single non-JW understand it, but a good percentage of JW's likely do not understand it either.
Good job!
Joe Hoover should get a new PR representative.
who wins?
who loses?
president/ senate/ house of representatives .
Let's just stop the belly-aching altogether...why not put the electoral vote to one side and go with the popular vote which puts Biden ahead by over 3.7 million votes.
Why not?
Because that is NOT how the framers of the US Constitution set up the voting system. You may think that seems obvious, but when the 13 original colonies formed the basis of this new nation, the smaller colonies (States) did not want the larger and more populous States to have overwhelming control as they would have if decisions were based on (what we would today call) one-person-one-vote.
OTOH, the populous States did not think it fair that the less populous States have EQUAL say in matter as that would not be fair to their citizens.
Thus the framers did it neither way -- but BOTH ways -- as the Senate is EQUAL representation for each State. Regardless of population, each State has two senators and two votes on matters. Whereas the House of Representatives is weighted according to population. California with the most citizens has 55 US Representatives. The least populous States have only 1 US Representative.
To satisfy (by compromise -- something that used to happen in past politics) both sides pertaining to elections, the Electoral College was designed, where each State has the Electoral Votes equal to their Senators PLUS their US Representatives.
IF ELECTIONS WERE NOT BASED ON THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE, but rather on the "popular vote", then no politician would give any attention to any area of the US except Los Angeles County, CA and New York City and Chicago IL. To win the favor of those 3 areas would allow any candidate to win the election. F*CK OFF if you live in any smaller state or rural area.
who wins?
who loses?
president/ senate/ house of representatives .
Folks, this is going to the courts.
Trump's team has already filed suits in Penn, Mich, and Ariz because GOP "observers" were refused to be admitted into the vote tabulation centers, particularly in Detroit and Philly.
If the GOP holds onto the Senate without Pence needed as a tiebreaker, I think they will abandon Trump's attempts to overturn a Biden win. GOP also picked up 5 or 6 additional seats in the House of Rep.
With a Senate majority, Pres Harris will be stuck in a gridlock for 3.99 years (as soon as Joe dies or retires to a nice upscale rest home).
you couldn't make it up!
saw this wt quote on a friend's page.
it is from the awake magazine of 1993, march 22nd apparently.
JW;s just plug their ears when something
is said that they cannot bear hearing!
who wins?
who loses?
president/ senate/ house of representatives .
I don't think Trump will win it at the ballot box when all the final results from the cemeteries are finally counted. The suit in Pennsylvania over extending the date that ballots can be received is NOT over. SCOTUS decided not to do an emergency ruling on it, however it could still be heard and it's very likely that the new justices would make the decision lean heavily to the GOP and allow Trump to hold PA. He'd still need (2 of 3) NC and GA and MI.
I predict another election like the Bush/Gore of 2000
new cases:.
diaz case, filed on 10/21/2020 by zalkin law firm - two plaintiffs abused (here and hereinafter - allegedly) by two ministerial servants in 1970s.. iglesias case, filed on 10/19/2020 by eisenberg & baum, llp against various nyc and wt entities - abused by an "elder john doe" and "[travelling] overseer john" in 1970s and 1980s.. aldridge case, filed 10/06/2020 by zalkin law firm - abused by a congregation elder in 1970s.. older cases:.
tarry case (no 1 and no 2), filed on 09/17/2019 and 07/23/2020 by parker waichman llp - abused by a publisher in 1984. very weak case.
An Almighty god, who instantly kills people for silly and petty reasons,who wipes out tribes and nations, cannot defend his Organization from these law suites and has lost many cases and paid millions in compensation.
And one must wonder why his Holy Spirit would continue to appoint persona that would bring reproach (and liability) upon his people and his Organization.
If an untrained person walked into your work place and started questioning your workmanship,
If the person paying Simon came in and was questioning him about his work, he'd probably think it a good idea to provide a reasonable explanation, even if the individual was not as tech savvy as Simon. He'd likely try to explain things in layman's terms to explain it.
Have you ever had a physician that got "huffy" when you challenged them on a treatment and demanded a more comprehensive explanation? (Think blood transfusions maybe.) We certainly have! And guess what? That dude is working FOR ME. I deserve a reasonable explanation, even if I'm not as educated in the medical field or as savvy in medical terminology. I am paying his wages.
When I go to get a "second opinion" and especially if it differs from the first opinion, then I deserve a more comprehensive explanation of both. And, this is what we have with treating the new virus. MULTIPLE OPINIONS. (Remember, these people are just "practicing" medicine.) Believe me, at least here in the US, there are plenty of unnecessary "procedures" given that are strictly profit motivated because "procedures" are more profitable that simple office visits or even hospital stays.