I'm old and not so worried that I will go hungry. Though that could change if commodities are simply not available and store shelves are empty. Then no amount of money is enough.
But I worry so for my (middle-age kids) and my grandchildren. We have worked hard to be frugal and try to leave a nest egg for them for college and first homes, etc. But in 10 years at 15% inflation what will a million dollars be worth? Maybe good for buying a new car?
The tax and spend philosophy of the "left" has got to stop. I would think at some point the sane and rational liberals would awaken (not to be confused with being "woke") and see the upcoming train wreck. I fear even more that the GOP/conservatives have gravitated to "cut taxes & spend". It's the crazy spending frenzy that has to stop.
There ain't no free lunch. People have got to EARN what they get. The gimme more and more and more cannot continue. But I think most of the freeloaders don't really care that what they are receiving must be paid for by someone else. Thus these are come know as "entitlements".
"Armageddon" may not be that far off after all.