I believe there is a greater incentive for WT to cool it on disfellowshipping/shunning. They are being labeled as an "extremist" sect/cult/religion -- particularly in Russia at the moment. While no one really cares about what happens in Russia, as it can be spun as "persecution", but WT is getting lots of negative reviews/publicity in other more western nations too. The DF policy is seen as a violation of Human Rights and as political views lean more and more liberal on such matters, they realize they may face legal action by the State against them, ie, loss of charitable status. (OMG! Don't do anything to put the WT funds at risk!)
WT has already backpedaled on taking DF action against anyone who accepts a blood transfusion in a life-or-death situation -- as long as they "repent" for their sin/weakness. I believe this all started with their compromise in 1998 on the "blood policy" with Bulgaria and the European Human Rights Commission when they promised that JWs could have "free choice to have transfusions without control or sanction" by WT. This is an issue that WT would like laid to rest.
Hopefully, their policy of shunning for any other "sins" will also become to be seen as a human rights issue to authorities. The only way to affect change at WT is to hit them where it hurts -- their pocketbook. Legal action lawsuits by governmental authorities and the risk of charitable status are a double whammy to them. The fact that it may not cause too much harm within the Congregation is merely a favorable byproduct for them.