I have only read a few posts on this issue. But my take is that if Watchtower relaxed it's shunning policy, the organization will lose one quarter of it's membership...namely all PIMOs with family members still in. ~ Vanderhoven
I guess that's as good of a speculative number as any for the number of PIMOs that there are today. I'm not sure it would affect everyone who is PIMO. If they wanted to be out of the social club, they could just fade or walk away and not suffer any judicial consequences that would result in being shunned. They're hanging in for the BBQs and going on cruises with other (not to zealous) JDubs.
But, regardless of the number that might bail on WT if they changed the policy, would WT really care? At this point, what are the PIMOs contributing? Aren't they just using up oxygen in the room? I think it very doubtful they are contributing much financially. And isn't that what matters to WT? So who cares where they go?