Click the link -- Had no idea it was so big!
(That's what she said.)
1970's photo of the russell pyramid.
the picture was sent to us by a former bethelite who was also the person who took the picture.
of course, the pyramid is not there anymore.. .
Click the link -- Had no idea it was so big!
(That's what she said.)
1914 generation is long gone.
1975 was a joke 40 years ago.
i know of many witnesses still hanging on for armagedon but when will they give up?
does the wt have a person/department/section tasked with compiling data and analysing it statistically.
or have they started doing something like that now that they are hiring external consultancies?.
i ask the question because i'm wondering if such studies and statistical analysis would show any link between the harshness of the disfellowshipping policy as it is applied and the dropout rate of people within the organisation who have just had enough.. in previous threads it has been pointed out that the old approach isn't effective any more.
I was actually trying to be sarcastic, ~ NotFormer
This has been a learning experience. Now you know that one has to "ring the sarcasm alert" so you don't confuse some of the slow learners.
(Hope I did not come across as nasty posting this. I assure you, no malicious intent.)
long island business news.
march 4, 2024. the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses, which bought the former geico property in woodbury for $27 million in dec. 2022, plans to spend at least another $23 million to build an assembly hall and two support buildings on about half of the site.
From the link above:
"He was dismissed and discredited by the WT in February, 2024."
Discredited. WOW.
one theory why tony was booted out was because he was a stickler for not changing the shunning doctrine.
he actually said the words we will never ever change it.. they are slowly deleting all of tony’s videos and now losing court cases and losing government hand outs in places like norway.. it’s looking very likely they will release new light on shunning policy after losing this latest one in norway.. .
what are the odds they coincidentally get new light from jehovah and lighten up their shunning policy ?.
I have only read a few posts on this issue. But my take is that if Watchtower relaxed it's shunning policy, the organization will lose one quarter of it's membership...namely all PIMOs with family members still in. ~ Vanderhoven
I guess that's as good of a speculative number as any for the number of PIMOs that there are today. I'm not sure it would affect everyone who is PIMO. If they wanted to be out of the social club, they could just fade or walk away and not suffer any judicial consequences that would result in being shunned. They're hanging in for the BBQs and going on cruises with other (not to zealous) JDubs.
But, regardless of the number that might bail on WT if they changed the policy, would WT really care? At this point, what are the PIMOs contributing? Aren't they just using up oxygen in the room? I think it very doubtful they are contributing much financially. And isn't that what matters to WT? So who cares where they go?
long island business news.
march 4, 2024. the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses, which bought the former geico property in woodbury for $27 million in dec. 2022, plans to spend at least another $23 million to build an assembly hall and two support buildings on about half of the site.
according to Jehovah’s Witnesses spokesman Robert Hendriks.
Thought it was said he was outta there?
it occurred to me that the wt, if they can identify the activists that are currently campaigning against them, would have a lot of ability to compile detailed dossiers on them.
once identified, the elders of the appropriate congregation could be asked to forward copies of all their membership details held locally.. would they do that, and do such dossiers exist?.
(there are probably data collection rules governing such things in a lot of countries, but by no stretch of the imagination could the wt be considered a good corporate citizen).
How long before those meetings degenerate into "I gotta say, this exJW made some pretty good points..." ~ Tonus
I could definitely see that happening when you consider that all the serious deep thinkers are now congregating here (and similar sites).
We are the (former) JW's that used to be able to stand up and defend (and explain) the JW doctrines -- that is until such time that these things could no longer be explained or defended.
The R&F JW who is still there is incapable of doing anything beyond handing over a JW.borg business card and running away.
going door to door with their "memorial" invitation.
"so you can pass the emblems but nobody partakes?
them: "we can explain who is to partake".. me: "all jesus' followers".
one theory why tony was booted out was because he was a stickler for not changing the shunning doctrine.
he actually said the words we will never ever change it.. they are slowly deleting all of tony’s videos and now losing court cases and losing government hand outs in places like norway.. it’s looking very likely they will release new light on shunning policy after losing this latest one in norway.. .
what are the odds they coincidentally get new light from jehovah and lighten up their shunning policy ?.
After just reading the post on the decision in Norway, it appears to me that it is the shunning of minors that violates the new law.
IF WT does choose to make some kind of adjustment to get the decision reversed, I think it will only involve a change respecting anyone under the age of 18.
Perhaps they will reinstitute some kind of "Probation" that will "mark" the minor (vs DF) that will be reviewed when they are 18 years old. The "probation" will not require shunning by R&F, but will only require limiting association as they do if someone is "marked" as bad association. Upon review at 18, if the person is judged as repentant then probation will be lifted and they will be announced as being in "good standing", or if they have not been a good little boy or girl, they will then be DF.
few norwegian religious communities need to worry after the jehovah's witnesses verdict, according to legal expert vibeke blaker strand.
he has pointed out that it is particularly serious to deprive a religious community of its registration.
. . . we told them that we could not keep accepting these donations. . . . . [if it means that we must compromise on God's Righteous Standards].
I think that puts a little better "spin" on it.