Yes, a long read, but worth the time.
WT would have been wise to just offer a settlement before they allowed their representatives to be put on the stand and make a complete ass out of everyone.
Do these settlement amounts ever "leak" out?
it's a little long, but if you have a chance, read this court transcript of a sleazy jw lawyer's interaction with a judge and others.
in the course of defending wt, he uses theocratic warfare non-stop, but the court sees right through him and it's both pathetic and infuriating:.
Yes, a long read, but worth the time.
WT would have been wise to just offer a settlement before they allowed their representatives to be put on the stand and make a complete ass out of everyone.
Do these settlement amounts ever "leak" out?
i’ve struggled for some time with this question.
why would the elders, cos, branch committee, helpers to gb and the gb themselves devote their lives to progressing in the organization, if the whole thing is one big sham?
i have 3 ideas so far.. 1) money.
I think they at least began as "true believers". (I was.) At some point they may have developed doubts. (I did.) It's amazing how you can reason away the doubts. (I did.) "It's the closest thing to the Truth." or "There might still be some small errors in understanding but Jehovah will correct all that." "Even if it is wrong, it's still the Best Way of Life!"
In the specific case of the GB, they are surrounded by "Yes Men". Everything they do is "worshipped". No one DARE disagree as that would be like disagreeing with God.
I suspect they see their comfy (or even lavish) lifestyle as evidence of God's Blessing. Everything good is a reassurance that they are on the right track. Everything bad is a test from Satan.
after leaving the limelight his plans include “bringing the truth to the world.”.
i'm not a jw, nor was i raised jw.
for the past three years i have been involved with a man who was raised jw, who at first told me he no longer believed as they did, but who, it has become clear over time, has not told his family or religious community the truth.
he has strung me along for years, never introduced me to anyone in his life.
I think I know what you mean about the emotional stunting. My ex showed puzzling psychological patterns. At times he seemed almost sociopathic in his disregard for the feelings of others, but I realized it was just that he'd been so prejudiced to think of outsiders as less-than and sinful that he truly did not seem to realize we'd have morals at all. Especially women, whom he used like toilet paper. He seems childlike in his views, everything is black or white. He believes in demons. There's a paranoia to him, always thinking people are out to screw him over. He's deeply envious of one other filmmaker, sees the guy's success as a threat to his own, a zero sum game with only a handful of winners. Ugh. It is exhausting.
I've never known a better liar than this guy. He lied constantly. And utterly without remorse.
Hon, these are two of your recent quotes about this man. Do you really need anyone else's advice about what you should do with this relationship? I think maybe you're just looking for reassurance and support. This is a great group of people for that.
You seem to be intelligent and articulate in everything you say. Can you really not find a better potential mate?
Good luck!
may have been noted already.
i didnt find the comments on this wt looking back.
it struck me funny they would comment on anyone making rules; if anyone knows how to make rules it is wt.
All of WT's man-made rules only apply to everyone else.
(It's kinda like all the laws passed by Congress. They're exempt.) .
silent no more: the justices.
jehovah’s witnesses argue montana supreme court justices should overturn $35 million verdict—largest in u.s.. mark albert .
In my opinion, this is the key:
"The statute says who's a mandatory reporter,” and the New York-based organization does not qualify, Taylor argued.
At the time of the abuse, did the State of Montana require religious leaders to report any knowledge of child abuse? If so, WT is guilty for not reporting and thus allowing further abuse. IF NOT, WT did not fall short of it's legal obligation.
If your State does not have mandatory reporting laws, it's YOUR problem because the lawmakers are YOUR representative. Fix the law.
looking at the most recent wt the study article focuses on the jubilees.
the made a separate box in the article to highlight the math behind jubilees, and i'm wondering if they're trying to get people thinking and stir up the pot without actually making a false prophecy.
for instance: jubilees happened every 7 times 7 years.
Armageddon will always be "Right Around the Corner"!
july 2019 wt mag.
study article 27, to sept 8 (last weak) sic intended.
page 5. .
after all these years, it seems to me that people do not properly take note of what happened on this date in 2001. for some, it’s like nothing major happened.
for me it is a day of reflection..
I don't think it's forgotten any more than Pearl Harbor Day.
Life goes on. Business continues. (This is Capitalism.) But any one of age then, will never forget.
oh boy, the meetings lined up for december are culty.. it all starts with a 5 minute talk someone has to give on the topic "why should we not be troubled by the increase of memorial partakers in recent years?".
the next week again inserts jws into bible prophecy, first with "the earth swallowed up the river", which claims that court victories for the org are really god's doing.
there is no mention on who is responsible for the many judgements against the org.. then there's this chart to be discussed that same night:.
I think it's very interesting how WTS is tackling controversial issues head on.
100 years since 1914 -- CELEBRATE
100 years since 1918 -- The Kingdom Has accomplished more in the past 100 years than any government in history!
Child Abuse -- We Abhor Child Abuse -- All media reports of JW Child Abuse are Fake News!
Increase in Anointed -- Yeah! Why we should not be concerned.
If you thought they'd just try to let let these things "fade away" (like us haha), you're wrong. HEAD ON! DOUBLE DOWN!