Son of a Bitch!
How ridiculous is that!
and if you call someone a bitch , you would be fined 150 dollars the first offense and second is 200 plus possible jail time..
Son of a Bitch!
How ridiculous is that!
my nephew has awakened but is still at the beginning of his journey.
he doesn't want to leave his mother (my sister) behind and is trying to help her think critically.
(no chance of him being dfed because he was never baptized).
I put off ready "Combatting......" for a long time. SO SORRY THAT I DID THAT!
It makes JWs look like the Poster Child for Cults! There is a "plan". There is a "strategy". It absolutely CANNOT be a coincidence that JWs perfectly align up with everything single identifying factor of a Cult! Those at "the top: know EXACTLY what they are doing to control the masses of Sheeple.
Don't put if off. Order it now!
i hear some people say that if you are a republican or democrat that you must not be very educated, intelligent or monetarily stable.
do you think it’s proper to paint any person as less than favorable because of their political opinions?
Right! TD, it’s crazy that for some people if you don’t conform to their beliefs, you are disgusting.
I've never seen it as polarized as it is today. There are some real "haters" on both sides of the debate.
is anyone here doing their first xmas this year?🎄🎄.
i love xmas!
almost around the corner and i’ve started thinking of all the prep needed for family time.
We have discussed that we really have no desire to celebrate Christmas. Perhaps we "missed it" as children raised as JWs, but I don't recall that being the case. As far as our kids, I don't think they do either. They never "missed out" on anything. It just wasn't given as "Christmas" gifts. I still think it's way too commercialized to the point of being the most extreme example of "greed" on a regular basis.
i think that the big issue here is the double standard based on the location of the family members - if they are 'immediate' meaning they live at home in the same dwelling under the same roof then it's ok but if you are like me and living on your own, your family will absolutely avoid contact with you as that is the real jw policy..the old canada court trial and recent swedish news are totally out of context and the jw attorneys are complete tools and filthy liars....
I think the youtube video of the WT attorney in the Canadian Court allows JWs who WANT to have association with their family members to do so, less it be said the WT Rep was LYING under oath in Court.
If someone (ie, an elder) challenges you on that, suggest to them that they are behind on the current position and that this is the NEWEST LIGHT on the matter and if they question it ask them to write to the WT Service Department for clarification -- and that you want to know specifically if the WT attorney was telling the truth, or not!
from the november 2019 watchtower study edition.. how many of you would like to know what the brothers and sisters would respond to this question.
also, if you went into a hall how would you like to respond to the question.. 8. how should we respond to lies?.
8 satan, “the father of the lie,” uses those under his control to spread lies about jehovah and about our brothers and sisters.
I'd reply: What i find interesting is that is exactly how the Catholic Church originally replied to all the accusations of sexual abuse!
hi all, i've not read the forums for awhile as i've been trying to move on with my life but i'm back and posting for the first time feeling like i cant get a grip.
so i'm wondering for those of you that have seen a therapist and say that it truly helps, what can be accomplished?
i'm just really skeptical, but starting to feel desperate.
As mentioned, if you have not read Steven Hassan's book, Combating Cult Mind Control, ORDER IT NOW.
if a jw had the nerve to ask me this question, i'd say to them, "you go first.
using only scriptural proof, show me why you believe that the wtbts/ccojw is god's choice and i'll tell you if i agree with your scriptural reasoning.".
wait for the silence and the rabbit in the headlights moment.. i searched on the wt cd rom for references of "channel of communication.".
I only see that question as relevant if it is two Elders asking you to "go on the record". In that case, if you are a "Fader", you damn well better say: "HELL YES! Who else would we go to?"
You might also add, "I'm offended you would even ask such a question!"
admit it, we all have things that we reel off when people ask what our favourite music is, just the same as if people ask what our favourite movies are.
we're meant to say "citizen kane" and "casablanca" and not "battleship" or "pacific rim" but we know what we're going to watch if they are ever on tv at the same time (and which ones we've never actually seen).. so how about some confession time?
what do you listen to when no one else is in the house?.
Although I no longer listen to this, I'm embarrassed to say I did for many years.
would jehovah kill her?
or would she be shunned by her religion as a whole?
say anything you would think of..
The patriarchal society....oldest adult male...head honcho...younger adult males, esp firstborn next...male children next stop on the totem pole...then adult women...female child the lowest in human terms. Whatever the story the female child had no rights. All they were to do is arrive at child bearing years and birth babies preferably male. In this story the female child never got to that highlight in her life.
So what you're saying is that the Muslims have it right regarding their view of women. It's a godly "scriptural" view.