JoinedPosts by DesirousOfChange
"Generation of 1914" Countdown Timer
by ILoveTTATT2 inso proud of this counter that i made!.
very simple yet shows the estimated amount of people that are living that are from the generation of 1914, defined as "all the people who were alive, even just barely being born, when ww1 started".. here's what i assumed:.
10% of the 1.7 billion people alive in 1914 were infants, just children.
Don Adams has passed away
by RubaDub ini received a call from a friend in new york city that don adams passed away late last evening (30 dec 2019).
many of you bethelites know him and he was the president of the society for a number of years after the gb got out of the corporate structure business.
from what i understand, he was generally liked by many there.. some in my family knew him.
Sounds like he was a nice guy. Just deluded and deceived (as most of us were).
Australian Royal Commission into Child Abuse Annual Reporting
by Listener injw leaks (steven unthank) has listed on his website two annual reports that the austrailan bethel were required to lodge.
interestingly, they were one of only 11 organizations required to do so.there are a few interesting claims that the watchtower makes, this is from the 2019 report that they wrote -.
5. when elders learn of an accusation of child abuse, they immediately consult with the branch office of jehovah’s witnesses to ensure compliance with child abuse reporting laws.
In their minds, they are above the rules of Caesar and beyond the "long arm of the law".
However, in the USA they are finding they are NOT beyond the long arms of the litigation attorneys! Those guys know how to get into "deep pockets" and WT has been marked as having some deep pockets!
Does Anyone Elses PIMI Family Do A "Not Christmas" Day?
by pale.emperor ini was told today that my jw family had a massive family gathering with presents exchanged, drinks and a big roast dinner.
they even wore paper hats.. the day they chose for this family day?.
26th december.. totally not christmas or anything - honest.. does anyone elses family do that?
My family usually did the "after Christmas" sales and we got as much as any other kid rec'd for Christmas, so when we went back to school we had plenty of gifts to speak of.
Question: When did the JWs start having judicial committees?
by Spiral ini've been reading the book recommended by zing "soul snatchers, the mechanics of cults" (bought a used copy online) and one of the things mentioned was how cults police all aspects of their members' lives.
so it got me to wondering, when did the practice of three men (elders) having a hearing (or should we say trial) and passing judgment on a member start?
did the early bible students do this?
There is WT article in about 1947 that condemns "excommunication" (referring to the Catholic Church). But JC's and DFing was around in the mid-60s. I remember a DF announcement when I was early teens
Big elders meetings?
by road to nowhere ini hear of whole circuit meetings being held, taking all day.
maybe just usual yearly stuff, but it seems the local elders immediately held a followup.
i am sure it will be about better local control, more charity, kindness, that sort of thing.
Big elders meeting?
Just curious if this is a meet for only "big Elders" -- meaning an Elder who is 5ft 4 in tall would not qualify?
Or is it for Big (Time) Elders? You know the ones that can't buy a hat that will fit their oversized eqo?
Must be the hangover.
Is it possible to nullify a baptism?
by idk123 inhope you are all well,.
i was wondering within the organisation if there are any guidelines or grounds for nullifying a baptism.
see i grew up a jehovah's witness and was baptised at age 13, i didn't get baptised for the right reasons, i felt pressured to because my friends were getting baptised at the same time.
The newest scenario is not answer phone, keep track of thru relatives, go to hospital uf they are in, or as noted elsewhere return any mail. And absolutely no funeral That will bring them back to loving jehovah.
The "alternative new thing" is that there are many JWs who just ignore that shit and carry on normally with their DF kids and grandkids but know NOT to talk about it to anyone, which is why they are covertly putting the hammer down on Elders/MS who ignore the (secret) rule to shun.
Is it possible to nullify a baptism?
by idk123 inhope you are all well,.
i was wondering within the organisation if there are any guidelines or grounds for nullifying a baptism.
see i grew up a jehovah's witness and was baptised at age 13, i didn't get baptised for the right reasons, i felt pressured to because my friends were getting baptised at the same time.
Out of respect for the organization
Your thinking is fucked up. They deserve no respect. They respect no one else.
Also, Finkelstein is correct. WT lawyers have made the sworn statement in court that ONLY spiritual relationship with family members is to cease. NORMAL FAMILY RELATIONS CONTINUE.
This is a clip from the hearing. Show it to your parents. If they say that is not true, then ask them if they mean the WT Society representative (attorney) LIED UNDER OATH. If they say it is fake, ask them to contact the Branch and ask if this is their position or if they lied in Court.
Be really f&cking stumbled that WT is lying in Court. Paul said to "pray for the King" and respect the Superior Authorities. It would appear to me that something or someone way up in WTS has gone rogue (apostate)!
Authorities Raid Russian Jehovah’s Witnesses
by Bangalore inhttps://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/12/31/authorities-raid-russian-jehovahs-witnesses-uthorities-raid-russian-jehovahs-witnesses-a68786.
authorities raided homes of jehovah’s witnesses in northern russia as part of a criminal probe into extremism against the banned religious organization, investigators said in a statement monday.. russia banned the christian denomination known for door-to-door preaching, close bible study and rejection of military service and blood transfusions in 2017. rights groups have condemned the crackdown against the jehovah’s witnesses as a violation of religious freedom.
investigators in the city of murmansk accused worshippers of “knowingly conducting the activities of the religious organization from april 2017 to the present time.” .
Wish they'd quit it with this shit. It just fuels the persecution complex of every JW.
Watchtowers Real Estate Website...www.watchtowerbrooklynrealestate.com/
by NikL inis this for real?.
apologies if this has been brought up before..
Hell no!
They sold every parcel they once owned in Brooklyn. Nothing more to advertise.