One thing that the JW's got right:
"[All] religion is a snare and a racket!"
One thing that the JW's got right:
"[All] religion is a snare and a racket!"
i thought it was a strange coincidence that there was a weapons lab right near the supposed wet market where it started.
china needs to pay for this one way or the other.
Do we care whether they were deliberate or careless?
Yes. IF deliberate, that's a real problem vs a careless mistake (though with catastrophic consequences). Deliberate would be an act of war IMO.
Of course, a guns and bullet war with China vs The West would be even worse than the virus.
You've got to wonder if an "economic" war would accelerate to worse things if it meant bringing China "to their knees" financially.
i thought it was a strange coincidence that there was a weapons lab right near the supposed wet market where it started.
china needs to pay for this one way or the other.
A couple of weeks ago one of the Networks (prob Fox) interviewed a scientist who said thorough examination of the virus had been performed and it was CLEARLY NOT LAB CREATED.
Now we have other experts saying otherwise.
I guess it was as CLEAR as everything the WT says is so certain.
do you have any evidence that the gb had bad intent?
as opposed to blind faith/cognitive dissonance and honest mistakes.. i'm inclined to think they have the best of intentions and are just wrong (primarily because the bible is wrong), but i'm willing to consider the evidence otherwise..
"What about the overlapping generations nonsense? Do you think the GB themselves believe this is really what Jesus was talking about?"
I think this was a Bandaid fix. It was quite obvious to everyone that THE 1914 Generation was dead. They had milked that for years. Someone "of age" in 1914. Someone old enough to recall 1914. And, finally anyone born before 1914. But by 2010 they were damn near all dead and still no Armageddon in sight. So they had to "fix" it.
Someone pulled this "overlapping" thing out of their ass and when they had no better explanation they all (or at least 2/3 of them) jumped on board hoping the Big A would come right away and solve the dilemma. But that didn't happen, so...........the BS continues. Several of them will die (much to their relief, since they really think they're going to heaven) and get them off the hook of having to conjure up another "fix". More Koolaid please.
i'm generally not a trump fan but i do agree that things that affect the entire country should be handled in a centralized manner.
trump is stating that he will dictate when the states can open up again.
many governors, dems and reps, are fighting that saying that they have the power, not the president.
Trump has the power of the "purse strings" of the Federal Government. The Feds are dumping TRILLION$ into the economy right now to prevent this "recession" from going to "depression". If a Governor wants their State to receive generous Federal funding, they had better kiss Trump's ring ass.
2020-04-addendum letter..
2020-04 shepherd the flock of god elder manual.
Isn't it easy to see what they consider important:
Their "all important' Field Ministry is in Chapter 23.
Shepherding (title of the book) Members of the Cong is in Chapter 25.
in 1985 a new phrase was added to our vocabulary, "new scrolls", complete with an explanation as to how they will benefit those who inhabit the new world.
the following five references are the only quotations of this new 'teaching', but incredibly, these two words have been indelibly stamped on most people's minds by repetition from platform speakers, and in general conversation.. w85 6/15 p. 18 par.
21 "during this thousand-year judgment period, jehovah evidently will give additional instructions, unknown to us at present, as new "scrolls" are opened.
Evidently "NEW SCROLLS" is the current buzzword in WT Land about the current pestilence and the nearness of the Great Tribulation. I guess new BS is going to be coming down from the GB?
Anyone else hearing this?
i support local and state and federal government’s power to safeguard the public.
i wonder is it getting to a point where we will be told we can’t go out anymore, can’t use your phone or computer anymore because of the viruses that we can get, etc.
are we prolonging this virus at all ?
I guess some people dont have respect toward governments, might be because of how they were taught/programmed as a JWS ?
No..............I think because the wiser & more experienced ones have come to realize that when someone tells you: "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help you", things are about to go to shit.
just recently there have been calls from heavyweight statesmen to set up a new global authority to tackle the covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it creates.they are henry kissinger, former uk primeministers gordon brown and tony blair.former prime minister of uk, tony blair is fervently advising governments around the world how to get the corona virus under control and how to restart the economy after the lockdown.
he is running tony blair institute for global changeon its webpage we can learn about his work with this: ... t-covid-19"create one crisis-management centre.
governments should have already repositioned themselves towards crisis management.
Kosonen is a classic example of why and how Christendom has over 40,000 different sects
And a great example that there are plenty of kooks out there besides just the JWs.
received another email forward.
the doom-n-gloomers are sooo loving.
sending out cc: bulk emails with cut and paste government programs to "lovingly" help the "friends".
At WTS cash flow only flows ONE WAY.