"Obviously she lacks the right kind of heart to be sought by Jehovah."
Anyone who doesn't just lay down and accept what JW's say is The Troof, is just not "worthy". Quit throwing pearl before swine.
i think this gal is incredible.
"Obviously she lacks the right kind of heart to be sought by Jehovah."
Anyone who doesn't just lay down and accept what JW's say is The Troof, is just not "worthy". Quit throwing pearl before swine.
in my lifetime, (i will include kennedy even though i was probably breast-feeding at the time), but it seems that there have been relatively few presidents that we vote "for.
" my list would be kennedy, reagan, clinton and obama.
i'm not talking about their politics here but who generally got voted for, instead of simply voting against.. any thoughts?.
The national parties have become the true power in the U.S. If a politician wants to get elected he or she must worship at the feet of the party leaders and by party leaders
This is the SWAMP. They all hate Trump because he is not one of them.
a new fox poll says biden is up by 12 percentage points.
of course, most other polls say trump will be trounced this time around.. do you think the polls might be right this time?
it is a challenge next sunday for them .
due to starting the convention programme the wt study will be a 30 minute run through ,and deals with this prophecy ... i doubt the younger ones are familiar with it at all bur oldies could debate it at length .we on the look out for the king of the north to enter "the land of decoration" (more to follow,maybe next week).
this article makes a grand claim in par 2.
"And even though God’s servants make up only a small portion of the world’s population, they are often at the center of major world events."
Narcissists. And many JWs adopt that grandiose self-importance of themselves.
i have to admit, this president can stir up shit.
other than some people who failed 10th grade or have a confederate flag on the back of their pickup trucks, who actually likes him?.
I think this COVID-19 thing is messing things up. I find myself putting on hand sanitizer and a mask when I go and take a piss.
I remember when all you had to do was wear a condom and you could anything you damn well pleased and feel safe! (Whether that was a false sense of security, you be the judge. At least you FELT safe.)
i’ve heard from a few trump voters that they are getting tired of the whole trump thing.
one person yesterday said he lies.
another person said she hears from her clients in her business that the constant drama and push back from all sides against trump is fatiguing.. i remind people that before this worldwide pandemic, we had the best numbers in jobs.
Well, the past 3 days the new cases and deaths have both spiked up.
Must be from the damn bars, beaches, and rallys -- because we know the protesters were not an issue.
court confirms: severe criticism of jehovah's witnesses is justified!.
The GB sure seem to be making poor decisions. Wonder where they are getting their counsel/advice? Hard to believe it's from divine source like THE HOLY SPIRIT!!!!! HAHAHAH
i have to admit, this president can stir up shit.
other than some people who failed 10th grade or have a confederate flag on the back of their pickup trucks, who actually likes him?.
would you rather have a person—-any person with dementia running the country and being the leader of the free world?
Short answer, yes. ~ Rub
Trouble there, Rub, is you don't know who will be running the show when they remove Sleepy Joe with the 25th Amendment.
Stacy? Kamala? Susan? Val? Keisha? Tammy? (Nah! She ain't black!)
You probably recognize "Kamala", but WTF are the others? (Yeah, that should be a concern, shouldn't it!)
a new fox poll says biden is up by 12 percentage points.
of course, most other polls say trump will be trounced this time around.. do you think the polls might be right this time?
But at least if Uncle Joe does a fireside chat, he'll be smiling and won't be calling you a son-of-a-bitch.
I don't think Trump refers to ME as a SOB.
But I do know the Dems have referred to "Deplorables" and I think that was supposed to include people like me.
And when Sleepy Uncle Joe does that fireside chat, I hope his nursemaid (or Doctor Wife or sister -- he won't be sure which it is) is standing by to wipe the sputum off of his chin as he slobbers/drools while wondering about WTF he is. Maybe they can get him a Mr. Rogers sweater.
a new fox poll says biden is up by 12 percentage points.
of course, most other polls say trump will be trounced this time around.. do you think the polls might be right this time?
Regrettably, I think if Trump loses, we ALL lose.
Markets will crash. Oil will soar. Bankers and 1%-ers will be the only winners