I think serious "witnessing" has been in a steady decline for decades. I remember the COW (Circuit Overseer's Wife) that LOVED to knock on the door of the parsonage (Preacher's Residence)! She loved to "witness" to them. She was convinced JW's were right, everyone else was wrong, and she was happy to set their asses straight! That kind or attitude is LONG GONE.
Now, JW's skip over the preacher's house. They skip over the houses of anyone who was "argumentative" on an earlier call, ie, anyone who could legitimately question their JW doctrines. Nope. Those folks did not have the right heart attitude. No more pearls before swine. (Because the average JW could get stumbled by someone who really knows the Bible.)
For years before COVID, it was just ride around in the car or sit in the coffee shop and count your time. Then it was stand idly by the Literature Carts and stick your tail between your legs if anyone dared challenge you with a question. Now, since COVID, it's sit at home on Zoom and chat with other old JW's across town. YAWN!
I suspect Joe Hoover is going to have to make the "rocks cry out".