It's a shame the Cult's leaders are having to deal with so many legal issues. Evidently™ all of these worldly governments do not realize that WTS/GB are above the law (of mere humans).
Let's review: "It's a Cult!
belgium: jehovah's witnesses in court to respond to incitement to hatred.
february 16, 2021..
It's a shame the Cult's leaders are having to deal with so many legal issues. Evidently™ all of these worldly governments do not realize that WTS/GB are above the law (of mere humans).
Let's review: "It's a Cult!
can a person resign from being one of jehovah’s witnesses?.
frequently asked questions.
a person can resign from our organization in two ways:.
Couldn’t you just quit as a baptized one prior without any major sanction?
You can likely just "fade" into the sunset and the Elders will leave you alone as long as you ain't "stirring the shit". However if you're determined to be an advocate against them, they will then likely "hunt you down" and DF you to limit the association others will have with you.
someone is researching jehovah’s witnesses.
they happen to come on to this site.
do the witnesses have the truth??.
I think it's pretty simple:
DEUT 18:20-22
20 But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.”
21 You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” 22 If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken.whether you are in the usa or another country, are you for it or against it?.
I hear there are a lot of jobs that people in the U.S. don't want and that immigrants will do those jobs. Well, I say offer those jobs to people who are on government assistance, and if they don't take the jobs and do well at them, then cut off their assistance.
Those people who do not want to work will not even if you try to force them into it. They've learned to play the system. They are the same people who file work comp claims for "injuring" their back from a little hard work and then never seem to be able to recover. Then as soon as they can, they'll file for Social Security disability too. Businesses would rather they mooch off the "system" than mooch off of them and damage their insurance rates.
i like subjects that delve into the history of the religion and proofs that the witnesses are not the true religion.
i’m not so much into apologists saying we need to go to meetings, especially if the poster looks like a scammer trying to get ex jws going.
what subjects interest you ?
Frankly, my interest in JW subjects is fading (like me, haha). I just have a hard time caring anymore about what they are doing. In the past I wanted to "keep up" with JW World due to family involvement plus it's fun to watch them squirm in an effort to squeeze out of past failed prophecies, but I think I'm hopefully moving on to becoming an "ex-exJW"
the youngest reference i have come across is in the 1992 watchtower (march 1st page 27) - “in the summer of 1946, i was baptized at the international convention in cleveland, ohio.
although i was only six years of age…”.
i would like to find more examples of this, particularly of examples in more recent times.
IMHO, anyone who was baptized before adulthood should not be accountable to the WTS.
Put me on that jury.
the conservative icon rush limbaugh passed away today.
he had lung cancer and finally succumbed to the disease.
what is sad and disgusting is how some people are happy and thrilled that he is gone.
OMG! You think Obama wasn't "idolized"?
a number of states are allowing people to not wear a mask.
some think this is disastrous!
what’s your view?.
Guess people will just have to act responsibly on their own according to their own situation and needs.
WOW! What a unique idea!
i know i have made some uncomfortable at times and others have thanked me for telling them about the cult because some family member is one and they thought it was a bad cult but did not know details.
personally i take every chance i get to tell others about the cult.
As a never JW l don't have to worry about that DoC . I do try to tell
people but sometimes they seem to think l am being nasty and
exaggerating. This happens a lot with my fellow church goers because
they just can't get their heads around what l describe. ~ jhine
I can see that! I think most of our non-JW family members just saw JWism as another "Christian religion" that is just a "little weird". (No Christmas. No birthdays. No blood transfusions. But that doesn't matter until someone needs it.) Maybe like they consider the Mormons. Though I think the Mormons attempt to appear more "mainstream".
I addressed it with a counselor I was seeing and they had NO IDEA what the Cult is like if someone leaves it. They think it's just like a Catholic or Lutheran that decides to quit going to church. No big deal. That have no idea that if a JW "sins" that the "church" is NOT there to help them, but simply excommunicates them. Even family.
Maybe things like the Leah Remini series on Cults will open some eyes.
fist of all my first language is not english so i apologise for any mistakes.i am 17 my whole family is jw.i am so sick of this i cry all the time i wasted my teen years doing nothing, no friends, no parties, no going out, no fun.i am scared for my life because if i tell them they will kick me out, i have no money to move out.i am curentlly studying the bible with my mom just because i am scared to tell her that i dont want to.please help me with some advice im life depends on this......
First, I understand that you disagree with your parent(s) about the religion, but never think that they are not trying to give you the best (that they think) life has to offer. It's a cruel cruel world out there and at 17 you are likely NOT prepared for it. Everything is expensive! Housing. Transportation. Utilities. Even just food. And your parents have been providing all of this for you likely at no expense to you. I think you'd be smarter to "fake it" as a JW a little while longer until you can prepare yourself for living independently.
Go back and read that previous sentence. I assume right now you're still in High School (if you're in the US). Assuming you are in the US, tax laws now allow parents to treat payments (up to abut $2500) to Community Colleges the same as if they had made a payment to the IRS against what they owe in taxes. So, your folks can pay taxes............OR, they can pay your college tuition. As long as they pay income is basically FREE (for the first two years). And most young people need those first two years of college to even figure out WTF they want to do in life.
If college isn't your "thing", then you'd best talk to a school counselor about getting into a "trade". Does your area have Labor Unions? A union construction worker here is earning over $30/hr plus free health insurance and free contributions to a pension. Many carpenters, laborers, equipment operators earn $50,000-$70.000 annually. So do not discount a "blue collar" trade. Most unions have apprenticeship programs that will allow you to work (for a lower pay scale) while you learn on the job.
You're probably better to take advantage of whatever your parents are willing to do to help you "get a leg up in life" rather than burning the bridge.
Good luck!
The greatest revenge is living a happy and successful life!
Oh yeah------DO NOT GET DUNKED!