De ja'vu all over again.
(Remembering Saigon)
in a scene reminiscent of the fall of saigon, the usa embassy staff have been evacuated by helicopter.. for a third time in asia ( a fourth, if you count usa supported chiang kai shek's defeat in mainland china) usa supported forces have been defeated.
more than 1 trillion dollars wasted and a huge deathtoll (both sides) afghanistan is back to where it started,.
will the taliban behave differently this time ?
De ja'vu all over again.
(Remembering Saigon)
it's been about 10 years since i posted here.
a lot's happened of course.
but here's where i'm at right now.. i was never (to my knowledge) disfellowshipped.
. . . . . . according to the rules YOU SET. ~ Pistol Pete
I agree with those who say not to take that step to disassociate. We, too, are considered just "inactive" and probably "spiritually weak", thus while almost no former JW (conditional) friends reach out to us, they don't hesitate to talk if we meet in public, etc. And, almost none of our family is shunning us. To me "disassociating" is to play by WT Rules. They can toss your file.
....and still no big 'a'.
armageddon.. it was 15 years ago dubland was in lala dream-like almost trance-like state hanging on the notion the big 'a' was imminent.. it was ironic.
ironic at that time was when.... i was starting my long waking-up process.
I think most jws knew something was not right back in 1995, but they still stayed in, confused and not knowing what the hell was going on.
Doc raises hand.
what was your kingdom hall like when it came to overweight witnesses?
i remember counseling some people on their drinking habits.
a few snickered that if we were going to counsel them because they have had way too many at a wedding reception, what about very overweight witnesses that have a lifestyle of overindulgence?
Frankly, I don't think JW's (as a group) are any more obese than the average population. It varies some by location because there is a higher rate of obesity in low income areas (in and out of the JW bOrg).
I can only speak for the USA. From my travels I see that Europeans walk their asses off. They oughta be skinny. Americans drive to their mailbox if they have a long driveway.
will we close down again?
will we be masked forever?
will we be required to get vaccinated over and over again?
Covid is here to stay, just as is influenza.
Now 70% have the shot and the numbers are high again.
What happened to herd immunity?
I really think the general population is being treated like strawberries -- kept in the dark and fed lots of manure (bullshit).
i have been watching evans videos for a while.
he keeps attacking the cult for following the bible.
women are to be subservient to men.
But I cannot watch his videos. Not because of content, that is excellent. No, it is because they are too damn long. lol I wish he would do 10 minute videos, to the point. ~ Snakes
That seems to be a consensus.
i have been watching evans videos for a while.
he keeps attacking the cult for following the bible.
women are to be subservient to men.
Agreed. Curious JW's who land on his site will just see it as JW's are the only group upholding Bible standards.
in one form or another i've been a member of this site for almost 10 years.
in the past this was a great place for debate, news and support for ex jws.
i logged on several times a day and posted several times a week.
It seems to me that the Watchtower is dying on it's posterior and there is little more to discuss anymore. ~ Punk
I agree. JW Land is BORING! There is nothing new to discuss. Even my full-in JW mother complains that the WT rags are same ol' shit. Nothing new.
There are plenty of posts (and poster) that I just pass over. I'd rather do that than leave the site, tho I must admit I do not see that many new Leaving-JW's coming here lately.
it's nice to meet you all.
i have been awake since i was a child and i am thinking about leaving jehovahs witnesses soon.
i am looking for some new friends because i know i will lose the ones i have.. my question is, how did your spouse react when you left?
how did your spouse react when you left?
I really did believe it was THE TRUTH! I was a prominent elder in the Borginization. I had doubts for years, but finally there was that "first domino" that fell. I discussed my doubts with my wife at length. I asked her sincere questions (the kind that I had struggled with -- the kind that have NO answer). Originally, my questions were to get her input on it all as she too was a born-in and she was a devout JW too. Asking her those questions forced her to come to the realization that there were no answers.
Questions like, If the HolySpirit really is directing things (ie appointment of MS/Elders) then how could the Elder who had been carrying on an affair for 8 years have gotten appointed? Did he fool the HS? Fool JC and Joe Hoover? Or how did the Elder who was in an affair and planning on leaving his wife get assigned a key talk at the District Conv? AND, he saw that as proof that what he was doing was OK with Joe Hoover! He gave the talk and then resigned at the next Cong meeting.
Then there are the statements like the May22, 1969 Awake on The End being too close to start college.
The Truth Book changes from this system ending in 20th Century to our lifetime.
She followed me out right on my heels. We have never looked back. We (mostly I) am angry at all the time, money, and effort I put into this useless religion. They robbed the best years of our lives.
Your hubby is your "spiritual head". I'd start asking him "those questions" and then STFU. No debating. No arguing. Just wait for him to search and find an answer. (Wait on Jehovah is NOT an answer.)
And, I esp like Deut 18:20-22 about false prophets.
please how do someone become an anointed christian in watchtower organization.
i informed my elders in my congo that i am an anointed christian..
Try some Depakote and see if you still feel that way.