I don't understand why this man was such a big deal in the first place. ~ Pete
Most JW's do not join the ranks because the JW Doctrine had appeal to them. Most JW's do not even know nor or able to explain or defend JW Doctrine. They have been accustomed to having all the "research" on doctrine done for them by the GB/WTS.
It's when one of those JW's has someone poke a finger right in their eyeball that they begin to wake up to the "lack of love". HEY! Somebody poked me in the eyeball! That ain't nice!
Then they rush to Google to find some backup for the fact that they don't feel loved anymore. Well, wasn't THAT easy!!!! In the Top 10 one is sure to find Lloyd espousing his views of why WT is bad and hates you and reminds you that WT just poked their finger right into your eyeball.
Then Lloyd gives them what they are accustomed to getting -- spoon fed. They don't have to do any work. They don't have to actually research anything personally. GB/WTS BAD! They even poke people in eyeball!
And that's the Big Deal.