No. Can't "miss it" as I never had it. (Kinda like Punk above.)
I think too many families go way overboard on it and go into debt and it becomes a source of financial (and maybe relationship) trouble.
We take the grandkids to see the lights at several major displays here. One of which was very religious in relating the Christian Story Of Christmas and we thought it "odd" that they were not familiar with the Christmas Story even though they and their parents celebrate it as far as gift giving, etc. Seems to me that just being a member of our society here (USA) they should understand the Story of it all. BUT not my job to teach them. They have parents.
It's just way too commercial. We don't need a thing in the way of gifts. We're "blessed" in that way. Surely do not need another tie (won't ever wear one again)..........or sweater, etc. The only really good aspect of it is that everyone has the day off and it's possible to get together as a family. (Something we would not even consider doing when JDubs.)