Some great pontification there Stan.
Seems maybe you're little board?
ponder on these imponderables for a minute....... .
1. if you take an oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?.
2. if people from poland are called poles, why aren't people from holland called holes?.
Some great pontification there Stan.
Seems maybe you're little board?
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
I no longer see this announcement in JW News.
Can it still be found elsewhere on JW(dot)Org?
is this the "great tribulation" which jesus warned he would bring upon the corrupt christian congregations worldwide, (revelation 2:22; 7:14) or is it the same 1st century g.t.
which he said would never occur again?
(matthew 24:21).
please add or correct the following written by helge kare fauskanger.
"for starters, imagine a distinctly insular form of protestant fundamentalism minus the trinity (god and jesus are held to be separate beings, and the holy spirit is god's active power rather than a person).
note: since the witnesses want to think of their faith as something absolutely unique, they themselves will not agree that they are either protestant or fundamentalist.. * very important to call god by his proper name of jehovah, and as noted, you must not get him mixed up with jesus.
No need to personally ask an active JW. They don’t know what they believe.
can watchtower really continue with cart preaching?
it has become like zoom.
we're people attending zoom not wanting attend halls.
It's just "busy work", as is the door-to-door ministry. At least the cart work doesn't aggravate the community as much since people can just ignore them (which is all the better as far as the witnesses sitting there is concerned).
And do not forget all the letter writing that's going on. Painfully slow and often illegible, I suspect, hand written letters that are quickly tossed by recipients.
I'm fairly certain the GB (and the entire Borg) is currently "on hold" counting on Armageddon to bail them out.......soon. Very soon.
sig other is half assed still in, one family member is in... its been years... wondering if i should just let it be or just call up hq and say i resign... i will be pissed if they announce shit at the kh, though i dont even remember the last one i went to... lol.
for me, its none of anyone elses business... thoughts?.
That allows them to close the "case" on you vs having them waste time when the CO discusses inactive ones wih them.
a sister said the other day at the ministry group “”what is all this talk that the end is still some way off” she said she has been waiting for decades and she was told there is no way it would take this long.
some others said in an annoyed kind of way yes they would have made different decisions decades ago if they knew the end still would not have come by 2023.. how will the majority react in a few more decades time when the end still hasn’t come?.
why all that talk of sense of urgency decades ago?.
I wonder how many are physically in but mentally at least doubting the GB
I believe there are LOTS of them! They just know that they should NOT express such doubts among their JW friends/family or they risk being seen as weak or disloyal.
is the watchtower predicting the.
end by 2034 through subtle hints?.
the watchtower, december 15, 2003, pages 14 - 19. please be patient while the web page loads page scans of the watchtower article.
I do recall some pontification about this article way back then.
JW's are always trying to pin down a date.
i always found the account of the "woman at the well" to be particulary interesting.
this unknown shunned woman of ill-repute was specifically sought out and chosen by jesus.
I always said it was a scriptural example of Jesus "yielding" the law/rules (to not associate with Samaritans), when someone asked about speaking to or associating with a DF person. For example, when someone had died and one of their family members was DFd. Maybe the RULES say to shun them, but Jesus showed us there would be some reasons to "break" the rules.
a sister said the other day at the ministry group “”what is all this talk that the end is still some way off” she said she has been waiting for decades and she was told there is no way it would take this long.
some others said in an annoyed kind of way yes they would have made different decisions decades ago if they knew the end still would not have come by 2023.. how will the majority react in a few more decades time when the end still hasn’t come?.
why all that talk of sense of urgency decades ago?.
I think there are many long time JW’s with such feelings. Some are maybe bold enough to say it, but only in a whisper. If they speak about it to loud or too often, they’ll find themselves in a back room meeting with a couple elders.