Thank you Faye. The reason it ended that way is because it was directed to the WTBTS at the beginning. But of cause I would love to see those who wake up.
Posts by Sabin
New Watchtower Propaganda and hate speech destroying families (Feb 2016 WT)
by Daniel1555 inthe following is a paragraph from the new february study watchtower article "learn from jehovah's loyal servants.".
7 a conflict of loyalties may arise when a close relative is disfellowshipped.
for example, a sister named anne [1] received a telephone call from her disfellowshipped mother.
About 'Regular' Pioneers
by Gayle innow that district overseers have been deleted, now that bethelites are being devalued and increasingly dismissed, now that special pioneers are being deleted in u.s., and maybe elsewhere gradually.
who would have ever thought?.
yet, now what is the value to be a regular pioneer to the org?
I think they will bring in a new type of pioneer. Your'll have the RP 70 hours, AuxP 50 hours & then the something like MiniP 30 hours. & every-one will say "oh how loving of the brothers to think of those who have always wanted to pioneer but couldn't quite manage the 50". The Borg will come out looking like gods. It will only be those that question it that will see it any different.
As for donations, most RP are in debt for 1000's. Stay out of debt, but pioneer. contradiction or what.
"Friends" are gone
by BeautifulMind ini have (well had) an extremely small circle of jw friends.
lots of acquaintances and associates but 2 or 3 i would consider my true friends.
that list is now 0. yup, once i told them i no longer believe in the org and haven't for a long time, and their attempts to encourage me thru jw lingo and terminologies to "rely on jehovah" and not to "stray away" failed that was pretty much it.
Beautifulmind Mind control a, it's amazing when you leave how these so called Christians can just switch off to you, they are like emotionally dead, oh well that's you done & leave. I got my husband to thank God. The thing is it takes time to make new friends cause you have been so programmed not to mix with people outside, but at least you can breath without feeling guilty. Keep your pecker up you can only go up the ladder when your at the bottom. -
Halloween / Birthday celebration
by River Song innew to the board, first time posting a topic.
i just wanted to say how refreshing and sometimes funny it has been lurking here.
so much so that i decided to sign up to this message board.
Hello River Song it's so nice to meet you. We brought lots of sweets but no-one came, so now we have to eat them ourselves. What a bummer. Say happy Birthday to your hubby & eat a piece of cake for me.
Where are you from?
by BeautifulMind ini know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Down Under Mate! -
New Watchtower Propaganda and hate speech destroying families (Feb 2016 WT)
by Daniel1555 inthe following is a paragraph from the new february study watchtower article "learn from jehovah's loyal servants.".
7 a conflict of loyalties may arise when a close relative is disfellowshipped.
for example, a sister named anne [1] received a telephone call from her disfellowshipped mother.
That she had cut HERSELF off from the family. WOW!
Dear Brothers at the WTBTS
I am doing really good
Learning lots of new things now
I no longer have nightmares or cry during the day
I don't complain about my pain
I remember how much you don't like that
I must be happy perpetually
You slapped that in to me, to make me strong spiritually
I think it worked for a time
I am wearing my hair how I want to
I wear pants a lot because I'm allowed to
Isn't that funny, that I couldn't before
You say people like me are a burden
Bet your glad you don't have to speak to me
I'm supposed to put myself first sometimes, I kind of like it
I still get a big hole in my tummy When I think I've done something wrong
I have a saying on my wall
" I can make mistakes, it's o.k."
I try to remember it every day
Sometimes I even believe it
I wonder if you ever think about me, even though I know your glad I'm gone
I never want to see you again, I love you all.
The narcissistic personality of this cult means that they are literally incapable of showing an ounce of humility or compassion they will always heap the blame on the people they victimize because they do not see truth, speak truth or hear truth, it is ironic that they claim to be in the truth. They feel no shame because they do not know love. No matter how much we jump up & down we cannot change this simple fact, the fact being they are 100% NARCISSISTIC.
Suicide or Real Freedom? - My Story As One Of Jehovah's Witnesses
by dubstepped in"sometimes i think the only thing i could do that wouldn't upset someone would be to kill myself.".
those were the frustrated words of my friend as we stood out in his large yard in the country, just about to enjoy a nice bonfire on a beautiful night.
what was it that could have been a lesser evil than killing himself?
Dubstepped. WOW! that was such a wonderful read & I love the pic of you & your beautiful wife at the end. You have an amazing journey ahead of you my friend enjoy. Big Hug for you both. -
Almost Hooked
by Yawritergrl inback at the end of last year my now ex got what he thought was a printed form letter from a woman at a kh down the street from us.
i insisted it was handwritten.
a few days go by and i decided to write this woman back.
Hello Yawritergrl, it is very nice to meet you. JW are not in the main bad people & I dare say this woman would have continued to be your friend all the time you made progress in your studies with her. Lucky for you, you didn't get dunked & then come out gay as you would have been kicked out & shunned by the very person who spent all this time having cosy chats with you over coffee. You will have to make new friends my dear that's all there is to it. I know this comes as a big blow but JW while truly believing that they have others best interest at heart do not do the whole friendship thing. It is a dog eat dog religion & you don't always realise this until your the one they are taking a bite out of. There are lots of wonderful people in the world who will love you just the way you are.
Need advice
by Darkknight757 inhi.i've been pouring over this site for the past few days looking for some advice and i hope there is someone here that can help a guy out.
i'm desperate.....short bio: i came into the organization after high school and shortly after married a wonderful girl who was born-in.we have been happily married now for nearly 20 years and things were well until 2015 hit.
by the way, i currently serve as an elder and have the ""privilege"" of being the "watchtower overseer".. either here nor there, we were told we would never have children but late last year my wife became prego!!
Hello Darknight, it is so nice to meet you. You & your wife obviously have a very loving relationship, that is the most positive thing here. The trust she has for you will be essential to her waking up to the Borg. The others here are right you have a perfectly good reason for stepping aside (not down) so go for it. The time you gain spend with your wife, go for drives to no-where so she can just talk, walk & hold her hand, have a weekly movie night & watch happy films ect. You get the idea, build even more on the trust you already have.
The loss of two, wow, you both sound very brave individuals. Your wife sounds like an amazing woman. The emotional strain for her must be huge, I think the most helpful thing for you both would be to seek out a good Psychologist, you are not required to tell anyone that your doing this, it is personal to you & your wife. You may go together or alone or separately there are no fixed rules. A woman may prove to be the best bet for your wife. Most people can say sorry or give advise which we are all doing here however speaking to a trained professional who will listen as you pour yourself out can really help in the healing process & you can be sure that it will go no further. Go talk to your GP, they usually have good recommendations. BIG HUG for you both. Sabin.
Why Do You No Longer Believe in God?
by Tenacious ini know this question has popped up from time to time but i really would like to know how you guys, those that no longer believe, came to that conclusion?
was it the wts and all its crap?
was it something you read?
So are you saying that you believe in survival of the fittest? Natural selection?