Greetings and welcome aboard :)
Baptized in '58 - So you must have been to all of the Yankee Stadium / Polo Grounds conventions. Care to reminisce about that time? I love to hear those stories. If not, just sit back and enjoy :)
Peace - LL
hi to anyone that reads this post; .
i am, an inactive j w have been for 11 years,& proud of it.
i was baptized in 1958, therefore led a very active life involved in, .
Greetings and welcome aboard :)
Baptized in '58 - So you must have been to all of the Yankee Stadium / Polo Grounds conventions. Care to reminisce about that time? I love to hear those stories. If not, just sit back and enjoy :)
Peace - LL
everybody has their own timetable when it comes to leaving the organization.
some due to family and friends continue indefinetly.
others, when they see all the lies of the "truth", leave right away.
Once I 'open my eyes' it took about two years to complete the process.
Peace - LL
many years ago i heard that the jw's in mexico weren't allowed to sing songs or pray at the meetings due to the government not wanting to recognize them as a 'religion'.
is this true?
then i heard that jehovah helped them and now they are recognized as a religion and they can sing & have prayers in meetings.
Great Poem. Thinker are you the same 'Thinker' that was on H2O?
Peace - LL
if the watchtower society fell today , where should the money go?.
think of all those millions, even billions that are tied up in brooklyn bethal , in shares, in banks, assembly hall and kingdom halls.. where would the money legaly have to go?.
Reparations!!! I'll tell the folks down in DC this weekend about the money the BORG owes us. I want my 40 acres and a mule - oh wrong cause :) So then, I want my promised Paradise with the lion cubs & all the money I spent for gas, conventions, suits, publications, field service gadgets, trauma my daughter suffered for being chase and bitten by a dog in field service, etc. Not to mention the assembly hall and K-Hall donations, oh wait, I already wrote that off on my taxes :)
In all seriousness - The money should go to all the victims. Wishful thinking.
Peace - LL
like a typical witness goody-goody-two-shoes, i eschewed college in favor of "theocratic pursuits" when i was a teen (i.e.
over 5 yrs at bethel).
now, at age 26, with my eyes opened and purged of the witness insanity, im thinking about college again.
You already know the answer to that question :) I'm about to start college in September and I'm 38 - I can't wait :) Like you, it's not about the money or career, but it's another thing I've always wanted to do in life. Shoot for the stars :)
since departing from the borg, i've always wanted a non-jw to do the following: the next time a jw attempts to witness to you, tell them "ok, i'll allow you to witness to me if you agree not to report this as time.
" i would love to see the reaction from the jw :) .
this raises some questions: .
Since departing from the BORG, I've always wanted a non-JW to do the following: The next time a JW attempts to witness to you, tell them "Ok, I'll allow you to witness to me if you agree not to report this as time." I would love to see the reaction from the JW :)
This raises some questions:
Would most JW's agree and not report it as time?
Would most JW's agree not to report it and report it anyway, reasoning that Jah will understand?
Would most JW's turn down the opportunity?
Peace - LL
PS - If you're an active JW - please answer the above - Thanks.
writing should be for our own edification - a personal cleansing, therapeutic at the least.
if you write for other people's approval, you will be disappointed, especially when you share your thoughts on the 'net.
i've seen many folks get 'burn-out' from these boards b/c they don't get the expected respond to their post.
Like Whoa! I'm not use to this many responses - ALL are appreciated - Thanks. Below are the posts I feel captures the essence of this thread. It really gave me something to think about.
"Being a JW meant getting lots of nice little ego-massages from brothers and sisters, for being soooooo spiritual" ~ Dizzy Cat
"This board can be sort of like a support group for those going through JW related stuff." ~ Mr Biggs
Windchaser's candor :)
"the only issue is the degree to which we go to seek approval...that being the case i know of very few folks who enjoy being in a room full of folks and we they say something NO ONE EVEN ACKNOWELGES that they are even there..." ~ JT
"However, I think you will find ironically that many who really did serve God out of 'principle' and without 'fear of man' end up on the outside in places like this." ~ ballistic
"MOST people have a 'looking for approval' mentality." ~ Xander
"Its amazing, however, the number of responses to fluff posts." ~ ThiChi
"If I ask a question I really would like some insight on, maybe five people will reply, but if I post utter garbage and include the word boobie somewhere I will get an overflow of responses...So while I don't understand why people get huffy over a cyber message board and it's goings on, I do understand the reasoning behind it, and the desire to belong, which is a basic human desire." ~ Joannadandy
"It does crack me up that there are certain popular personas here who could post even their laundry lists and still get oohs and ahs and all kinds of interested nods from other posters."~ HappyHeathen
Just to add to Syn list - Mention 'PUSSY' in the subject line and you'll see a flurry of activities :)
"I think we all crave some acceptance, even when we claim we're doing something just for ourselves." ~ Joeshmoe
"I'll start to talk and little by little, the room thins out. There are only just a couple listening to me. That's life." ~
Sentinel"I also get really really really frustrated when the same subject gets posted 40 times a week and the same arguments get reborn over and over and over and over never seeming to ever ever ever end." ~
plmkrzy"Even if you only get one or two obligatory pats on the back from people feeling sorry for you, it's better than scoring the big Zee." ~ COMF
"It's pretty much too hell with the adults, it's the children I want to focus on." ~ GrannyLinda
"I think it has a lot to do with self esteem, one of the things that kept me going in the org. I'll admit it, I CRAVED people's praise. I've had to get over a lot of that..." ~ RandomTask
Peace - LL
if you were a governing body member (or one of the power brokers at bethel) what would worry you the most?
i was thinking about this last night.
do you worry about the lawsuits connected with the pedophile cover-up?
The Internet.
Peace - LL
writing should be for our own edification - a personal cleansing, therapeutic at the least.
if you write for other people's approval, you will be disappointed, especially when you share your thoughts on the 'net.
i've seen many folks get 'burn-out' from these boards b/c they don't get the expected respond to their post.
Writing should be for our own edification - A personal cleansing, therapeutic at the least. If you write for other people's approval, you will be disappointed, especially when you share your thoughts on the 'Net. I've seen many folks get 'burn-out' from these boards b/c they don't get the expected respond to their post. Seems like when we leave the BORG we still carry that 'looking for approval' mentality.
Which brings me to the point of this thread - It seems like everything we did in the BORG was to please everybody else but ourselves or to make some kind of impression on others. For instance: Field Service, Commenting at Meetings, Giving Talks, Going to Conventions and all the meetings, Reporting time, Reporting wrong doers, Having the CO/DO over for lunch, Giving prayers, etc. (did I miss anything?) Seems that just about every aspect of Dub activities is a 'showy display.' I wonder how many Dubs would be doing the above if no one noticed? To the credit of one JW pioneer I met years ago in the Brighton Beach area in B'klyn, NYC - We were talking about the difficulties of witnessing to the Russians that migrated to that area, so I asked her "Do you have problems getting your time in as a pioneer?" and she replied "Time?!, Who cares about time when lives are involved." Needless to say that was a lasting impression on me. Ok, back to the gist of this post - Sometimes I get the impression that this board is a reflection of that same Dub mentality - Looking for approval. Granted, many folks in here don't care one way of the other. But my questions are:
When you were a Dub, what 'theocratic' activity did you do for yourself, meaning that it didn't matter if anyone knew about it or not?
When you post here, do you get disappointed if no one responds?
Peace - LL
at the end of part two, i moved to a suburb on the outskirts of one of africas richest cities, johannesburg.
here, suddenly, instead of the pallor and grime of rural south africa, beautiful mansions, bmws, and stylishly dressed people suddenly surrounded us.. .
my family felt a bit left out, since we werent exactly very well off when we arrived.
I can't wait to read about your final decision to disassociate. Love your illustration in part 2 regarding the eagle and whale and this quote "JW's do not know that they are imprisoned, and that is perhaps the worst imprisonment of all." Reminds me of Malcolm X when he said "you are still in prison, the prison of the mind." Part 1 brought this though to mind: Writing should be for our own edification - A personal cleansing, therapeutic at the least. If you write for other people's approval, you will be disappointed, especially when you share your thoughts on the 'Net. I've seen many folks get 'burn-out' from these boards b/c they don't get the expected respond to their post. Seems like when we leave the BORG we still carry that 'looking for approval' mentality - Which reminds me to post another topic for review. Anyway, you ARE a good writer - looking for to the next part(s). Thanks for sharing.
Peace - LL