Wow - that is good news! A dream come true. See ya next week :)
Peace - LL
they are tears of joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
let me share with you my great news............................ someone from this board has given me the greatest gift i have had in a very long time!!!!!
i recieved an email last night from someone asking me if i could find a place to stay they would buy my ticket so i could be at the march on the 27th.
Wow - that is good news! A dream come true. See ya next week :)
Peace - LL
i feed the squirrels that hang out near my home.
there are (4) that take advantage of free peanuts.
one out of the four comes up to greet me as i park my car in the driveway.
Funch, you'll be fine. Speaking of Squirrelman, I found these two links for some possible costumes when you start to morph into a squirrel.
Peace - LL
long time lurker, first time poster.
finally taking the plunge.
i started reading here and other sites last summer, after years of declining 'spirituality'.
Nice to meet you - Welcome aboard :)
Peace - LL
i found this article in my archives - i liked it then and i love it now: .
saturday, may 2, 1998. blinding people of other faiths with your superior knowledge is not letting your light shine.
robert kirby.
I found this article in my archives - I liked it then and I love it now:
Saturday, May 2, 1998
Blinding People of Other Faiths With Your Superior Knowledge Is Not Letting Your Light Shine
For some people, religion isn't a spiritual journey as much as it is an ego trip. Proof seems to be the increasing use of an already popular proselytizing tool: the evangelical insult. To show you what I mean, here are a few downloaded from religious chat groups found on the Internet.
Baptist to Mormon: ``How can you be so stupid?''
Catholic to Baptist: ``. . . workings of a contemptible mind.''
Evangelist to atheist: ``The dog returning to its vomet [sic] is you.''
Fundamentalist to all: ``Babylonian whores!''
However, because I'm LDS, my personal choice for the most ineffective religious dialogue of the year was an e-mail left on an ex-Mormon Web site by two Mormon missionaries: ``You are a total loser.''
If human beings can't come to terms over simple stuff like Classic Coke, it stands to reason that we won't be able to reach a popular consensus about God, either. Still, it's more than just a little ironic that people big on gospel love seem to think the best way to evangelize their faith is to insult someone.
You don't necessarily have to be religious to figure out that this kind of behavior is counterproductive. Tell the truth, how many of you have ever been persuaded to change your views on anything because someone insulted you?
``Floyd, Christ Jesus thinks you're a stinking heap of garbage.''
Stuff like this only makes people dig their heels in harder. After all, why would they want to surrender their views to someone who thinks they are worthless?
So why do people do it? Probably because they are more interested in having their say than in changing minds. Arguing over religion is a waste of time. The general nature of religious belief is that little of it can actually be proved to anyone other than yourself. It requires something that cannot be proved empirically: namely, a leap of faith.
Leaps of faith have one teensy problem. Too often they tend to be based on the circumstances of one's birth and social surroundings rather than one's smarts. For all their self-important blather, most Christians are Christians simply because they weren't born and raised Hindus.
A good way to figure out if this applies to you is how fast you get angry when someone or something challenges your beliefs. If it sends you into a tizzy, chances are that your convictions are more cultural than spiritual. This is not about the freedom to share your religious views with others, but rather about your methods. Being a follower of Jesus doesn't automatically make you wise, something you really ought to be before you go around insulting people in his name.
When Christ counseled his followers to let their light shine as a way to spread the news, he wasn't giving us the Parable of the Bug Zapper, nor was he talking about the religious equivalent of poaching deer with a spotlight. The true test of your faith is the ability to effectively dialogue with people who believe differently than you. If you are insulting them based on your notion of ecclesiastical correctness, it probably isn't working as well as you might think.
Salt Lake Tribune columnist Robert Kirby lives in Springville. The self-described ``OxyMormon'' welcomes mail at P.O. Box 684, Springville, UT 84663, or e-mail at rkirby(AT)
Peace - LL
mark: hello mr. bowen.
so you are very welcome to make an appointment and we would be happy to make an appointment to see you to discuss any concerns you may have.
mark: thats right yes.
Well, Mark got his five minutes of fame :) Five minute of fame = hours of counsel from the BORG :)
Bill - You sound like you took a portion out of the Reasoning From The Scriptures' book and flipped the script :)
OK, Im Bill Bowen, Ah as you may or may not know I have the organization silentlambs which is for Jehovah's Witness victims of abuse, and so what we try to do is reach out and assist people to turn in child molesters and also give those within the congregation the ability to be believed when they come forward with their allegations. I know its sometimes offensive to even think there is a problem with child molestation within the organization but I've talked or been contacted by over 5,000 victims who were molested as Jehovahs Witnesses.
Excellent work. Mark should put that lamb on e-bay and see how much it's worth in the 'apostate' world :) See ya in 7 days.
Peace - LL
how many people are expected to show up for that march?
if there are gonna be only about 10 people it will be rather a victory for the wt .
With all due respect - The amount of people at the March is irrelevant - What's relevant is the pressure and continued pressure from the March and other sources. It takes outside pressure for just about any organization to change policy. What makes this movement already successful is the fact that thousands of victims are realizing that they are not alone, and they are not wrong for feeling violated.
Most movements initially start out small and generates momentum. This March is definitely a catalysis for change in the BORG's un-civil policies and practices. Silentlambs today, the blood issue, D'fing, etc. the next time.
For the folks that will come, it will be a very liberating experience to finally put into action our disapproval for the wrongs committed by the BORG - not doing anything, on any level, amounts to consent.
For the folks that can't make it - Their 'behind the scenes' efforts is greatly needed and appreciated. The media attention from around the world has already has made a significant impact.
On the other hand - To try and discredit a movement the media will highlight the lack of people at a protest, as if that is a measure of success. Granted it may look good to have thousands, but the success in the movement is the ramification or in this case the 'lamb'ification of the March. How many Dubs will 'open their eyes' to the ignorant and harmful practices of the BORG? How many victims and Ex-Dubs will feel better about themselves? How many lives would be save from this protest?
So from the efforts already demonstrated from the Silentlambs movement I think the March is a success before it even starts.
Peace - LL
he just emailed this to me.
watchtower responds, at the link below you will see the pictures of my visit to wt in .
I think the BORG needs to follow their own advice "Why Should I Apologize?" - That would have been decent.
But it's all good, 'we have not yet begun to fight.'
Peace - LL
i have come into possession of a actual audio recording of a recent gb meeting in which they are discussing the scandals they are having to deal with.... download audio of gb meeting
Ain't no way you could get a recording device in that meeting. Hell, even the proverbial 'fly on wall' couldn't get in. Peace - LL
Bonding with Wesley Snipes
Gays and Lesbians Revitalize Springsteen's Hometown
On the set of the hip-hop flick Death of a Dynasty
Betsey Johnson's birthday bash-cum-fashion gala; the Hairspray after-after party
Everything Mike
Mike for Governor of NY - Go Mike!
Peace - LL
before my dad went into surgery he asked that i contact the people on this board and let them know how much it ment to him much it ment to him over the past month or so to be able to talk with all of you.. this is one of the few things in his life he could still wanted to especially thank craig (ona ) for accepting him and apologies for anything he said that might have offended you.. my father was in so much pain over the past seven years ,god must have thought it was time,dad passed a few houres after surgery.. dad asked not to have a service and will be cremated than placed in an urn ( as he said "so he can keep an eye on mom" ) we all loved him deeply and he will be missed.
i will leave the company email should anyone want to,i will print them out for mom and the family to read.. again thanks to all, our love is with each and every one of you.. matthew mc cune [email protected]
Thanks for sharing that with us. My deepest condolences to you and yours. It's nice to know he was thinking about us in his last days.
Peace - LL