An excellent read - thanks. Always interesting to see a career person come into the BORG. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said "...was realizing that we have been denied accountability from the Watchtower leadership and the local Elders as to their wrongs. We have also been denied Justice, most deeply felt by thousands who are victims of sexual molestation within the Watchtower organization. All this can steal away proper closure of the harm suffered."
That superior air exhibited in Don and his father, had me thinking....That feeling of superiority may be a drawing factor into the BORG. When we gain that 'accurate knowledge' we may feel we have all the answers and no one can tell us anything. So if you had nothing going on in your life, or if you felt empty, this illusionary 'accurate knowledge' gave us an edge over 99% of the world. Now that's power - Having a monopoly on 'life saving' knowledge.
No matter how much humility one displays, that superiority surfaces most of the time. Reminds me of a quote from Eric Hoffer "...the surrendering and humbling of the self breeds pride and arrogance."
Although most of us are Ex-Jws, I think we still carry some, if not all, of that superiority mentality. Sometimes it take posts like yours to help us/me become conscious of that - thanks again, looking forward to the next segments.
Peace and Security - LL