Good one. You gotta love those 'Mean' 'love your neighbor' type of JW's.
Peace - LL
i loved this one movie with jim carry called "liar liar" and i always wished i could make the witnesses tell the truth in field service, just for one day.
think about it, it would sound something like this.
<knocking> .
Good one. You gotta love those 'Mean' 'love your neighbor' type of JW's.
Peace - LL
anybody heard about this:.
virginia holocaust museum 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., 2000 e. cary st. interfaith service for the museum's "new home for tolerance" will mark the dedication for the museum's new shockoe bottom home.
some of the scheduled speakers are lt. gov.
UnD - Thanks for that link and quotes! I see it's old news, but relevant nonetheless. I wonder if the BORG gave an explaination for this.
Peace - LL
anybody heard about this:.
virginia holocaust museum 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., 2000 e. cary st. interfaith service for the museum's "new home for tolerance" will mark the dedication for the museum's new shockoe bottom home.
some of the scheduled speakers are lt. gov.
I found this quote:
September 1885 Watch Tower (?)
Consequently, there is ample evidence that the YMCA originated with religious objectives and continues to have such to this day. In joining the YMCA as a member a person accepts or endorses the general objectives and principles of the organization. He is not simply paying for something he receives, such as when buying things being sold to the public at a store. (Compare 1 Corinthians 8:10; 10:25.) Nor is his membership merely an entry pass, as when a person buys a theater ticket. Membership means that one has become an integral part of this organization founded with definite religious objectives, including the promotion of interfaith.
Hence, for one of Jehovah's Witnesses to become a member of such a so-called "Christian" association would amount to apostasy.If anybody has more quotes - please let me know - thanks.
Peace - LL
anybody heard about this:.
virginia holocaust museum 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., 2000 e. cary st. interfaith service for the museum's "new home for tolerance" will mark the dedication for the museum's new shockoe bottom home.
some of the scheduled speakers are lt. gov.
Edit for double post
Edited by - Larry on 12 September 2002 21:19:31
"group alleging jehovah's witnesses abuse plans protest". .
you will need to scroll down to about the 44th heading entitled "religion news in brief.".
I wonder how many folks from outside the NY area will show up. The more the merrier, but you got to give that one Spanish guy credit for protesting alone. Thanks for the article.
Peace - LL
the watchtower reprints, april 15th, 1903 (when russell was president), page 3,180:.
the watch tower september 1st 1915 issue [page 5,755 of the watchtower reprints 1915] (when russell was president).
the watch tower july 15th 1916 issue [page 5,929 of the watchtower reprints 1916] (when russell was president):.
Now you struck a nerve! This was one of the first flip flop issues that caught my attention, even before I started visting 'apostate' web sites. I sincerely kept asking folks, those same questions -
"How many people DIED because of this POLICY?
How many people were THROWN IN JAIL because of this POLICY?
How many people are STILL IN JAIL because of this POLICY?"
Now to mention, where's the apology?
Everybody just told me, 'leave it in jah's hands.' I knew right there that something was wrong.
I love the 'Worship Bk' quote (1983 Edition), Page 167: "An examination of the historical facts shows that not only have Jehovah's Witnesses refused to put on military uniforms and take up arms but, during the past half century and more, they have also declined to do noncombatant service or to accept other work assignments as a substitute for military service. Why? Because they have studied God's requirements and then made a personal, conscientious decision."
Don't sleep on this issue folks, This ones a biggie - Thanks for the reminders UnD.
Peace - LL
poor tink had to be rushed to the hospital early this morning 2:00am.
she went to bed fine but after several hours of pain and discomfort it got so bad she woke me up.
she had severe chest pain and pain in the center of her shoulder blades.
Cheers - To a speedy recovery.
Peace & Love - LL
anybody heard about this:.
virginia holocaust museum 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., 2000 e. cary st. interfaith service for the museum's "new home for tolerance" will mark the dedication for the museum's new shockoe bottom home.
some of the scheduled speakers are lt. gov.
Anybody heard about this:
Virginia Holocaust Museum
4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., 2000 E. Cary St. Interfaith service for the museum's "new home for tolerance" will mark the dedication for the museum's new Shockoe Bottom home. Some of the scheduled speakers are Lt. Gov. and former Richmond Mayor Timothy M. Kaine, and Jay M. Ipson, a holocaust survivor and chairman and co-founder of the museum. Representatives from the Islamic Center, the Catholic Diocese and Jehovah's Witnesses will also take part. (804) 257-5400 or <>;.------------------------------------------------------------------
Useful Contacts |
Jehovah's Witnesses
hi i'm wednesday and born and raised in jw.-inactive several years.
i have had a number of iincidents that appear to demonic've had spirit beings sit on my bed at ight and talk to me i've been literally touched by things unseen.
now i know the jw are big on demon stuff.
Crazy - I agree totally with your statement "...I have to disagree with the idea that if you dont believe in something it doesnt exist." A case in point is animals - They have different senses that enables them to hear, feel, see, taste and smell things that we can't. The fact that we can't sense some things animals can sense does't mean it's non-existant.
But I was talking in the content of Demons, etc. Personally, I don't believe it, thus it won't effect me. For a person that believes in the demons it's real to them. The mind controls everything. So the question is - Is the mnd everything?
Peace - LL
hi i'm wednesday and born and raised in jw.-inactive several years.
i have had a number of iincidents that appear to demonic've had spirit beings sit on my bed at ight and talk to me i've been literally touched by things unseen.
now i know the jw are big on demon stuff.
I love these two responses:
"The demons stopped bothering me when I stopped believing in them."
"Never experienced anything paranormal in nature. Guess Satan figured he already had me, so why waste demons on me."
IMHO - I don't believe in them, they are real only if you believe it's real. 'Black' magic, Demons and stuff only works on folks who believe it works.
Peace - LL