Another good read, thanks for posting that Flash -
What I like about this subject is that it opens the way for meaningful discussions. In order for better relationships between races to forge ahead, open dialogue has to take place. Unfortunately, when this problem is discuss it brings the worst out in people. I think we need to ask ourselves why does this topic generates so much emotion?
Often times when we discuss this we talk about the surface issues, but this subject matter goes beyond what we see or what we think we see. I think when we openly discuss the core problems it will lessen the problem WEB Dubois mentioned that now applies in the 21st century ""The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line." - W.E.B. DuBois, The Souls of Black Folk
February, 1903.
Anyway, just a few comments on what was said:
big boi - What he's saying has been said before it's nothing new
~ Amen
Dan the Man - That is an interesting article bigboi, and I think Chris Rock's approach to the problem is far better than grumpy-old-man Bill's.
~ Oddly enough, I think CR is instrumental in this issue. B/C during his comedic commentary both races actually think about the problem - they may not during the laughter but it hits them later. That's the genius of CR. I'll never forget when he talked about trading places with him, and he is rich! :)
XQS - I have seen more money invested in spinning rims and woofers than tuition percapita in my "hood"
~ I agree, but I don't see that in my 'hood.'
Yiz - Just the same they called Clarance Thomas one [uncle tom] as he became a US Supreme Court Judge.
~ Well, they didn't call CT an UT b/c he became a SC Judge, they called him an UT b/c he opposed the very things that got him into Yale and on the bench.
Satanus - There was a time when irish were treated worse that blacks.
~ Don't think so, it doesn't really matter, but I still doubt it.
big boi - Everybody is owed their basic civil rights as a human being.
~ AMEN! Now that's the American I want.
el kabong - Schizzle my Hizzle my fizzle or whatever it's called is NOT going to pay the bills or put food on the table for anybody except for Snoop Doggy Dog.
~ Ain't that the truth. Now we are talking about one of the root causes of racist - Capitalism.
JT - as a black man i don't expect to be treated like a white man - that is reality.
~ So true, In fact that's one of the biggest differences in the races - Minorities are judged immediately by their skin color before they are judged by anything else. Other people may be judge by their credentials first, but for the most part, not Black folks. We can been seen a 'miles away' and a decision is made one way or the other. Same applys for women, handicap, etc.
JT - and as a tax payer i have to pay for hot sex that I DIDN'T EVEN PARTICPATE IN
~ Excellent observation and a damn funny one at that :)
roy batty - While Cosby donated millions to help the black community, Jackson uses his connections and influence to line his own pocket.
~ Bingo! JJ is all about the title of his latest book "It's all about the Money."
Final thought on color - When I was in Germany, it was one of the few times I didn't feel like I was a 'Black Man.' I felt like was a damn tourist and an American, but not a 'Black Man'. I didn't feel the daily pressures I feel when I come to work every morning in the city. Yes, Just being a 'Black Man' in Corporate America could be one of the hardest job in America and it could also be one of the most rewarding :)
Peace - LL :)