You do great work Jan!!!
I found everything I needed online!!!!!!!! Including all 7 volumes of SIS. Per your reference I found this statement I had known about only it's discussed in more detail somewhere, I don't know:
"The 70 jubilees, reckoned as 50 years each, expire October, 1925." That's SiS7 pp. 128 of your reference.
But NEWS to me was that this jubilee cycle, indeed, had been calculated end originally in 1875!!! This is of particular interest to me since this Great Jubilee focus in the early years completely lost it's reference in JW doctrine it would seem after 1925!! Somehow they figured 50 jubilees at 2500 years at some point and 70 jubilees at a rounded of 3500 years but still managed to be 49-50 years apart in their calculations of 1875 and 1925 which dates are 50 years apart.
So this was an eye-opener to me how how complex and manipulative they made their dates work in figuring out all the various chronologies, implied or otherwise.
But of note, I think their observations an instincts were good, but they just had the wrong dating. I think all those applications should work out in some way if the Bible is true; all the sabbaths, 40-year periods cycles, etc.
Of note, therefore, a new date comes into focus and that is 1954. That's 40 years after 1914 when you count a generation as 40 years, which is Biblically appropriate, of course.
I'm not sure how applicable it is, but 1947 is a critical chronology date in the Bible because it is the beginning of the 50th jubilee from 455BCE, more importantly a jubilee we can date from 36CE without any objection. That's the year the Jews returned from exile officially. 1954 is 7 years later. So you have a 7-year period connected with a jubilee in 1947 plus 40 years past 1914. So 1954 might have been a specific prophetic cutoff year for something Biblical. This does not bar a double-fulfillment for a "generation" to be 80 years by 1994 though.
The reason why is because everything in scripture can be fulfilled by 1954, one generation after 1914 including the "great tribulation" which was the Holocaust, the preaching of the good news world wide, meaning by one international organization before the "end"; NH Knorr after WWII did a round-the-world lecture tour in 1946 I believe. The "end" by some is considered the "end of the gentile times" which meant when Israel took over Palestine again which occurred in 1947. And, of course, the "sign of the son of man" began to appear to certain anointed ones after early 1950. So this opens the interpretation of the generation of 40 years as being significant.
Also what I've focussed on, since your article, Jan, is that there might be some significance to the year Jerusalem fell in relation to Jesus' death which might have some modern-day parallels. But the true date for the fall of Jerusalem could be as late as 73CE based upon the conflict in scripture for the death of Herod Agrippa which is 4 years. It has always been suggested, therefore, that 3 years were stolen from the infamous Caligula and added to the reign of Flavius who commissioned Josephus to write the history of the Jews. 73CE is 40 years after 33CE when Jesus died. I'm wondering now what happened significantly in 1954 within the oganization that would parallel with the destruction of Jerusalem in a spiritual sense?
Anyway, as you can see, your article has inspired some new interest in the chronology arena for me and I think you!!! You couldn't tell from the new witness doctrine how intensely focussed and involved they were into chronology, even getting chronology from the pyramids. They still focus on dates as late as 1975 and 1994 but nothing like what they were up to in the early days with every conceivable implied chronology used.
Thanks, again, for having this online for us!!!!