Topics Started by Latte
Has anyone else recently been contacted by a once close JW friend or relative? Could this be a new JW tactic?
by Latte inhmmmm...yesterday my long life friend called my landline after many years of silence.
now the shock has subsided, i am wondering if i can forgive and forget the fact she chose not to keep in touch throughout a time in my life which was very stressful.
sadly, i gathered that she is still involved with jehovah’s witness faith.
The average Witness will continue to follow Watchtower leadership whether right or wrong.
by UnshackleTheChains ini hate to say this, but given my own experience as a jw for almost 3 decades, i am beginning to believe the average jw will continue to look to and be guided by the gb regardless of whether they are right or wrong.. despite all the scandals and negative media attention the watchtower organisation is receiving, life seems to go on as normal in jw land.
it's truly bizarre!!.
clearly, the gbs tactic of mostly hiding away from the media is clearly working for them.
Dating Advice needed
by KateWild inwell i joined two dating sites yesterday and i have had lots of messages.
a couple of guys want to chat to me by phone to get to know me better.
i've been asked out on two dates.
Breaking News :Charity Commission takes Wathtower to Tribunal in Britain
by raymond frantz inbreaking news :charity commission takes watchtower to charity tribunal in britain.
two weeks ago we run an article about the abuse case in moston manchester congregation .it would seem that the coverage from the main local newspaper manchester evening news and two national newspapers has alarmed the charity commission the official regulator for charities in england and wales and now for the first time !
they opened an official investigation on both charities ,the local one ,moston congragation and the central one jehovah's witnesses of britain indicating that in their eyes these two are connected and liable for any misconduct .this is the time for a concentrated campaign from all of us to inform the charity commission why the watchtower should not be a called a charity .the article above has a link for the charity commission complaint page .follow it!.
Crisis of Conscience ...should we sell the book or keep it?
by Latte inwe have a copy of this book and are wondering if we should sell it worth anything?.
amazon says it's worth 20 dollars.
will it ever get to be worth more if we keep hold of it?.
JW directives you thought were downright stupid
by fallen_princess ini remember one time when i was about 17 years old, i wanted to arrange a costume party for the young brothers in the congo around my age.
i suggested it to one of my friends and was told that the elders had advised against it because it could be construed as pagan and masks have their roots in demonism.
of course, i was never shown any biblical proof of this but just that response took the wind out of my sails and i decided to just not go through with it.
Daily Mail UK Newspaper article The knock at the door that turned my parents into brainwashed fanatics - and nearly cost my life
by Latte inthursday, feb 11 2010 daily mail uk.
the knock at the door that turned my parents into brainwashed fanatics - and nearly cost my life.
read more:
Merry Christmas!
by AK - Jeff injoyeux noel a tous!.
feliz navidad a todos!.
frohe weihnachten fur alle!.