I bet you didn't have to check the words in a song book either! LOL
Sorry guys! What a climax to the assembly it would be... to sing that tune....sang with such conviction......
do current jws still sing were jehobahs witlesses!
at their khs and conventions ??
i suspect ..but am not sure if they still use this song.especially due to all the false statements in the words.. ours is the god of true propheceeeeee what he fortells comes to be!
I bet you didn't have to check the words in a song book either! LOL
Sorry guys! What a climax to the assembly it would be... to sing that tune....sang with such conviction......
do current jws still sing were jehobahs witlesses!
at their khs and conventions ??
i suspect ..but am not sure if they still use this song.especially due to all the false statements in the words.. ours is the god of true propheceeeeee what he fortells comes to be!
Do current JW’s still sing ‘We’re Jehobah’s Witlesses!’ at their KH’s and convention‘s ??
I suspect ..but am not sure if they still use this song….especially due to all the false statements in the words……….
…Ours is the God of true prophECeeeeee what he fortells comes to be! (cough…cough….)
okay, i feel a bit smug.
i posted a few days ago how it was our 20th wedding anniversary this week (wednesday actually).
well tomorrow i take my lovely, gorgeous, delicious wife away for the weekend to a fabulous hotel in the english cotswolds.
Many congrats Nicolau & wifey!
Looks wonderful! I’m absolutely sure you will have a fab time …what a great place!
on sunday, one my closest friend's daughter was christened.
after the church service, we went to a small party for about 40 family and friends.
at the venue i noticed an elderly gent wearing a tux, and realised i recognised him from somewhere, but couldn't place him immediately.
If its the same guy I saw at an engagement party, he was really good and I heard he worked with Tommy cooper as an adviser
Wonder if it is him? He entertained at my wedding too...! i believe his wife is very opposed...to da troof. He had a meal at our house. When I asked him what he likes (giving him choices) he said "a bowl of sick will be fine" LOL
this poor little boy was murdered this week.
my sons school is situated opposite st,gabriels where this young boy attended, so the shock and horror of what happened here has affected the pupils of both schools.
This poor little boy was murdered this week. My son’s school is situated opposite St,Gabriels where this young boy attended, so the shock and horror of what happened here has affected the pupils of both schools.
As a mum of a boy of ten years old…I really feel for the parents of this little boy………
What a waste!
A boy aged 14 has been charged with murdering 11-year-old Joe Geeling, whose body was discovered in a park.
Joe's body was found in Whitehead Park, Bury, Greater Manchester, on Thursday. A post-mortem examination has revealed he died of multiple stab wounds.
Joe, who had cystic fibrosis, was last seen on Wednesday on his way home from Bury's St Gabriel's RC High School.
The suspect will appear at the town's magistrates' court on Monday, a police spokeswoman said.
Family statement
The teenager was charged late on Saturday having been questioned since his arrest two days earlier.
Joe's body was removed from the park on Friday evening and taken to a mortuary. It was formally identified on Saturday.
A statement from his parents Tom and Gwen, his sisters Kelly and Danielle, and brothers James and Sean, was issued after the identification.
They paid tribute to their "little angel" and described how he did not let the fact he had cystic fibrosis - a condition affecting the lungs - hold him back.
The statement, read by Mr Geeling, said: "None of you have enough time to hear how much he meant to us. How do you condense 11 years of fun and love and heartache, worries and accomplishments etc... into a few words?
"Without exaggeration I can say that Joe was one of those special people that if you ever met him and spent even five minutes talking to him, he would leave an impression on you that you would remember and usually with fondness."
Later, Mr Geeling told reporters: "He was my best mate, he loved his mum to death and you could not wish for a better son.
"I will never forget him."
Church services
St Gabriel's RC High School was a 15-minute walk from Joe's home in Devon Street.
Head teacher Eddie Robinson said on Saturday the death of the year seven pupil had "shocked and shaken" the whole school.
"Our thoughts and prayers are very much with his family at this difficult time," he said.
"Joe was a lovely, well-mannered boy who is going to be greatly missed by all of his teachers, friends and fellow pupils here at St Gabriel's."
Prayers will be said for Joe during a series of special services in churches in Bury on Sunday evening.
The churches involved will include St Marie's, in Bury town centre, where Joe's family worship.
A spokesman for the Catholic community in Bury said news of his death had shocked everyone.
"Since news of his disappearance was announced on Wednesday, our school and parish communities have been comforted greatly by the prayers and support of everybody in the borough," he said.
"Prayers will be offered during all Masses throughout the town this weekend for Joe and his family and for all those affected by his death."
i read the following article, and found too many points where i felt utterly amazed that anyone can think our children should be exposed to such tuition.
how far have we gone as a people to feel that young children need to be taught such adult stuff?
really, i found many of the points in the article quite worrying.too many to mention.. please take the time to read all of it .
What I did not find (in the non-subscriber articles) was any direct support for the claimed contents of the sex ed curriculum
I don’t think that the curriculum has been set yet, I will try and find out though.
I was still a virgin when I got married at 25—by choice.
Wow we’re on the same page there….! Lol
It didn’t do me any harm not knowing about sex…sex…sex. And no my parents were not at all forthcoming with any info or details. I was born into the JW’s so yes, I sat through the many meeting’s where oral sex and other stuff were mentioned. I do believe that, really, this would be considered ‘fleeting’ compared to structured sex education lessons aimed specifically at young ones.
Moral guidance is nowhere. Instead, sex education seeks to 'clarify' the child's own values. But children need clear boundaries of behaviour. Treating them as though they have adult values is to abandon and even abuse them.
Can we really take chances with our little ones? I’d really rather they didn’t know….I rather they don’t see the irresponsible viewing that is so readily available, but, yes as you pointed out it’s all around us. (sigh)
i read the following article, and found too many points where i felt utterly amazed that anyone can think our children should be exposed to such tuition.
how far have we gone as a people to feel that young children need to be taught such adult stuff?
really, i found many of the points in the article quite worrying.too many to mention.. please take the time to read all of it .
Checkout some of the titles of these articles!
I don’t think it’s remotely like the W/T.
The sex education programme over here is getting lots of publicity at the moment. The main problem is that parents do not seem to be aware of what they are....,.until the papers such as the Daily Mail highlight just what their kids are being fed.
It’s all too soon for my liking, kids should be having carefree fun, not faced with such matters.
i read the following article, and found too many points where i felt utterly amazed that anyone can think our children should be exposed to such tuition.
how far have we gone as a people to feel that young children need to be taught such adult stuff?
really, i found many of the points in the article quite worrying.too many to mention.. please take the time to read all of it .
I read the following article, and found too many points where I felt utterly amazed that anyone can think our children should be exposed to such ‘tuition’. How far have we gone as a people to feel that young children need to be taught such adult stuff?
Really, I found many of the points in the article quite worrying….too many to mention.
Please take the time to read all of it……
(The Daily Mail is highly respected British Newpaper by the way )
Our sex education policy is a disaster. So what does this Government do? Extend it to 5-year-olds09:48am 5th December 2005
When this Government falls into a hole, it knows exactly what to do. It digs even faster and deeper, burying more and more victims in the process.
All the evidence suggests that its sex education policy is a disaster. Britain has the highest rate of under-age teenage pregnancies in Europe.
The proportion of 13 to 15-year-olds who are getting pregnant is rising. The rate of sexually transmitted diseases among young people is going through the roof.
Even the apparent drop in under-18 pregnancy rates is no more than a statistical sleight of hand, since the number of 16-yearolds using the morning-after pill has doubled since it was made available over the counter in January 2001.
Faced with the egregious failure of the strategy, government advisers have now proposed a brilliant remedy. Apply it even more widely!
Their solution is to make sex lessons compulsory for all children from the age of five, so that detailed knowledge about sex should become a routine part of their education.
No sooner will a child have found his or her coat-peg and be measuring up the competition for the climbing frame than some teacher will be rattling off where babies come from.
IrresponsibleSo while many children are not taught to read properly at five - indeed, a disgraceful number can barely read and write when they leave primary school at the age of 11 - they will be given "more rounded" lessons on sex and relationships. Is this not grotesquely inappropriate?
The assumption behind compulsory sex education is that not enough of such information is reaching children to promote responsible behaviour. On the contrary, children can hardly move for this stuff, and it is the message that it carries which is irresponsible.
During the past decade, school sex education programmes promoting a 'safe sex' message have hugely expanded. Government-funded services advise on how to have sex, where to get the morning after pill and how to spot sexually transmitted diseases. Girls as young as 13 are even being offered sex advice by text message; they tap in questions on their mobile phones and receive answers from sexual health workers.
Yet all this has not brought down the rate of sexual activity; far from it. The more such value-free sex education and contraceptive advice is given to children, the more their sexual activity increases. And the earlier in their lives this encouragement is provided, the earlier their sexual activity takes place.
This is because adult values are being loaded onto children who are too emotionally immature to cope with them. Teaching children that premature sex is permitted, appropriate and fun encourages them to try it out. That is hardly rocket science.
To believe that teaching them to link sex to "relationships" will make them behave responsibly is simply risible. A "relationship" is a concept that is so slippery as to be meaningless. It belongs to the world of TV soaps, which is about the level of reality that defines so many teenage - and a dismaying number of adult - sexual encounters to which the notion of permanent commitment is entirely foreign.
The increase in sexual promiscuity among children and teenagers is not due to ignorance, but to the deliberate destruction of the notion of respectability. Not only are official blind eyes turned to enforcing the legal age of consent, but sex education actually targets under-age children.
Moral guidance is nowhere. Instead, sex education seeks to 'clarify' the child's own values. But children need clear boundaries of behaviour. Treating them as though they have adult values is to abandon and even abuse them.
According to these government advisers, sex education for five-year-olds would be confined mainly to "relationships and friendships". But who can trust even this anodyne formulation, given the wildly inappropriate sex "education" materials used in some schools?
One such video shown to nine and ten year-olds enlightens them about different positions for heterosexual, bisexual, gay and lesbian sex.
ExploitativeOther programmes require children to act out sexual behaviour. Such material looks like propaganda for sexual licence; some is so exploitative, it verges on the predatory. Is it surprising that more and more children are acting out sexual behaviour, a common response to sexual abuse? The worst of it is that such materials are not shown to parents who, on the rare occasions when they do stumble across it, are invariably aghast and furious at this abuse of both their children and of their own role.
But then, the state is increasingly undermining parents and usurping their responsibility to guide their own children in the most private and personal areas of life.
Schools dish out contraceptives and pregnancy tests to 11-year-olds, and provide abortion services to under-age children without telling their parents. When Susan Axon challenged this abortion practice in court, the Family Planning Association said in evidence that the idea that "parents know what is best" for their children was out of date and the views of health professionals should take precedence.
According to the Government, parents increasingly cannot be trusted to impart to their children qualities such as self-worth, restraint, friendliness, empathy and resilience, so schools must now teach "emotional literacy".
Accordingly, 14 separate emotional areas are to be taught, under titles such as "getting on and falling out", "relationships" and "good to be me".
This is nothing less than a State grab for control over the way children think about the world - a creeping nationalisation of childhood that is steadily destroying the independence of family life.
What's more, guidance on behaviour cannot be taught. It is learned by example, by being brought up in a loving, stable environment where identity and moral values are forged. Children brought up by their two parents are far less likely to have sex under 16 than those who are not.
FragmentedMore and more families are becoming unstable and fragmented. Yet instead of shoring up the married family - the best antidote to irregular behaviour - the Government is ruthlessly undermining it by promoting the idea that all lifestyles are equal.
The Qualifications and Curriculum Authority says primary schools need to cover a wider range of relationships than the traditional nuclear family and must teach children that families include samesex couples, single parents and children in local authority care.
Ministers have progressively loaded the dice against marriage, making it ever more meaningless. Now they are undermining it still further with gay civil union, which comes into force today.
Contrary to the claims being made for this measure, it is not about equal rights or greater self-discipline. It is part of a wider onslaught on the whole notion of moral norms by separating sex, marriage and procreation, and destroying the unique place of marriage in our society as the institution that best safeguards the healthy regeneration of human identity.
Both adults and children are being funnelled instead towards a sexual free-forall. This is surely why the Government is so opposed to sexual abstinence education. All the evidence is that abstinence works in preventing irregular sexual activity.
But the Government doesn't want to prevent such activity. On the contrary, it wants to promote it in order to produce "equality" between lifestyles - while tidying away any inconvenient consequences such as teenage pregnancy.
Sex education is therefore not a means of protecting this country's fundamental values. It is a weapon in the war being waged against them.
i was reading e-watchman today and someone there is saying that after studying the what does the bible really teach book at bookstudies the next book will be the revelation book!!!.
there isn't any real proof, but the poster claimed a letter from bethel stated this.
perhaps some here can dig around and confirm or deny this new rumor.. we've studied it 3 times in the past and it's been awhile.
Yes, it is sooooo outdated BUT.... there has been sooo much NEW LIGHT since they last studied it, I'm sure it will make sense now
The good thing is...that you won't need to underline it again! Unless of course they make everyone get a new one!
I really feel for the kids....what a BiG waste of their precious time. How it makes ones brain dead.
My last thoughts on this are
Hey Think!
Don't buy a House ! Don't go to College ! Don't go to work !
I was told .....very soberly that whatever me and my future hubby do - we should NOT get a mortgage... as we were soooo near the end!
Now THAT would of been such a BIG mistake now wouldn't it!