Hi Misery,
I understand where you are coming from, and Dexter taken on the upper level is disturbing. For that matter, it often disturbed me. But here is the thing. I find that taking an ironic view of things works my intellect in an interesting way. No one would argue that taking on a Dexter role would be the "right" thing to do, but considering some of the ideas that the show looks at makes me think. Coming from my fundamental background, GOOD AND EVIL was oh so very clear. But you know what, GOOD AND EVIL, is quite a bit more relative than that.
Think about the Iraelites committing genocide against the Canaanites. This was always GOOD to me, ordained by god. I don't think the Canaanites thought so. But god had GOOD REASON for what he commanded. These people sacrificed CHILDREN. Of course, killing Canaanites also meant killing Canaanite children, thereby saving them from POSSIBLY dying for religion, to DEFINTIELY dying for religion. Naturally though, the god was not guilty of such horrible evilness when he killed David's son, because after all DAVID deserved it, because David had broken the god's law. But ask the dead baby. So, DEXTER, perhaps in a god-like role, takes out evil people that hurt children, (he NEVER hurts children--but, according to scripture, god did) and other innocent people and he ends them. To those people, that was a bad thing.
But Julia Stiles character was unique, because she had been deeply hurt by serial killers. She was not a killer. Well, she was, but only to put herself back together. And she saw Dexter as a hero, even though she recognized his darkness, and knew, she couldn't live with it once she was past her crisis.
So, it's just a tv show, but it has chosen subjects that are intriguing. The same people that told me I shouldn't watch such trash, looked at pictures of dead and dying bodies being piled in a final war. They put their children to bed after showing them pictures of babies drowning in god's righteous flood.
Think about Sodom and Gomorrha (sp) All the men, from old man to young boy demanded to have sex with angels. It was pointed out in WT, that the "young boys" was evidence of child molestation, cuz young boys aren't prone to demanding sex with grown men. So their destruction was WARRANTED, this was a horrible place. And of course, the victiims, the young boys, went down with the city.
So, one could question the motive of god, just as one can question the motive of Dexter. But in the end, the question is, is there "righteous" killing, and who gets to decide? A god who kills innocent children along with guilty adults, or a serial killer that would never hurt a child?
As an atheist, I'm pretty sure that no one will jump on a vigilante mission to kill wrong doers after watching Dexter. However, I'm pretty sure that after reading the bible, many are moved to do just that. And even if they would not act on it, they will gleefully preach from door-to-door the imminent death of all who you love--and this is the good news.