I came in here when i was having doubts about the religion. I am a very reasonable person and for so long I felt like I only had one side of the entire story. Being raised in, I never had any opportunity so see anything else, being prevented from seeing any other angle and reading any other material not from the JW's themselves. One day when my family all left the house I googled Jehovahs Witnesses and and found this site along the way.
I lurked for a long time, finding so many disturbing things. What disturbed be the most in the beginning was the false way they portray apostates. They make it out to seem like everything they say is all lies and if they say or show you anything, its all false and has been printed to their own liking. That apostates are not interested in telling the truth but are seeking to destroy everyones faith, etc,etc,etc,etc. OBVIOUSLY not the case. If not for the internet, I wonder where I would be today.....