Wht i've noticed a lot from my congro is that many of the youths leave for a while....and then return later on stating that the "world had nothing to offer". When things like that are said, it's pretty clear that they left to enjoy a certain lifestyle, not because they don't believe the crapola anymore. It's quite sad...
JoinedPosts by stillstuckcruz
Are the Witnesses Really Losing Their Young People?
by What Now? inthat article about jehovah's witnesses having the lowest retention rate for born ins keeps popping up every now again ... i'm just curious if any of you have noticed that this is actually the case.
in the congregation that i grew up in, i'm going to say that 95% of the young people in their teens to mid twenties are either regular pioneering, regular auxiliary pioneering, serving in foreign language congregations or where the need is greater.
both of my younger sisters are regular pioneers - and the young people in their hall even organize 8 pm to midnight service on friday nights of their own accord.
Why does my family still interact with me?
by stillstuckcruz inhere was my story posted originally about 2 years ago.
and my extended story on jwrecovery:.
@Roberta- Not everyone on this site is going through some sort of travesty. Keep in mind that this is my first post in 4 or 5 months.I come to visit now and again to see what's going on in JWland but today I decided to post this part of my story simply because I was wondering about others thoughts on my topic...
Why does my family still interact with me?
by stillstuckcruz inhere was my story posted originally about 2 years ago.
and my extended story on jwrecovery:.
@Roberta: And what's your point? that combination not possible or something? I'm pretty sure my family simply hasn't told anyone im gay. Not the highlight of any JW conversation by my guess. If you read my past posts, I'm pretty sure it should be obvious I'm not a troll. But if you don't believe me, I'm not wasting my time trying to convince you...
Why does my family still interact with me?
by stillstuckcruz inhere was my story posted originally about 2 years ago.
and my extended story on jwrecovery:.
@roberta: I'm curious as to why you don't believe it?
Why does my family still interact with me?
by stillstuckcruz inhere was my story posted originally about 2 years ago.
and my extended story on jwrecovery:.
@tiki: I'm leaving it be for know. I like the saying "if it aint broke don't fix it"
@Dismissing: Yes my dad is a prominent elder in the cong. That's possibly a contributing factor...
Why does my family still interact with me?
by stillstuckcruz inhere was my story posted originally about 2 years ago.
and my extended story on jwrecovery:.
Here was my story posted originally about 2 years ago.
And my extended story on jwrecovery:
Anyways, since then, I have told my parents I no longer want to be one of JW's. There was the expected tears and exsessive chats trying to get me to reconsider bla bla bla. I gave them my reasoning(beliefs, etc). I have since moved out into a place about 40 minutes from them. My entire known family(with the exception of one uncle) are ALL Jw's. I was spoken to by the elders only a couple of times. But that was before I even told my parents I wasn't doing it anymore. I was never disfellowshipped or anything...simply moved out and that was it(with some obvious nonsense in between).
But what I don't really understand is what has happened since then....or rather what HASN'T happened. (It's been over 3 months since I moved and at least 6 or 7 months since I've attended any meetings). When I left, I expected that they would slowly stop speaking to me. Or maybe I'd be secretly disfellowshipped or something. I mean, it's not like they don't know my position. They found out I was gay shortly after I stopped attending meetings. They know I went to a birthday party and associated with a disfellowshipped person(I guess nothing THAT serious but still....) My parents still contact me and we talk quite a bit. I had dinner with them last week and I visit on occasion. And they genuinely don't treat me any different. I still have a great relationship with them AND my grandparents who are also Jdubs. No one from the hall has said a word to me. NO ONE, not a single elder since BEFORE I was attending meetings! I found that strange considering the nightmares others had. Is this normal? Or is it still a matter of time? Are they waiting for me to make known a "disfellowshipping-worthy offense? Or am I simply in the "inactive" category? thoughts?
New 16 page WT & AWAKE available on jw.org
by St George of England inneedless to say it's the same old rubbish.
the wt has the usual 'doom & gloom front cover, end of the world, fireball, people running in panic.... george.
Anyone read the article “You Have . . . Revealed Them to Babes”? The whole thrust of the article was clearly to push themselves as having the unique ability to understand Bible "truth". It never expressly states this, but it is implied. Notice @ the end:
"If you study God’s Word with the right attitude of mind and heart, you may be among those to whom Jehovah gives a precious gift—an understanding of the truth about him. Grasping that truth will add meaning to your life now and can lead to “the real life”—endless life in God’s promised new world of righteousness soon to come.*—"
On the surface, a person may believe that on their own they can gain such "truth" through prayer and diligence. But at the end of that statement, there is a footnote that reads "Jehovah’s Witnesses would be pleased to help you to learn the truth about God and his purposes. They offer free home Bible studies, using the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?"
Clearly, Jehovahs Witnesses are among the "humble" one they were speaking of. Read the whole page...it's more stupipdity for people to swallow. So happy to be done with this crap
The Society debunked the rumored new light on the F&DS in 1973
by Leolaia inthis is the summary of the rumored new light from the 2012 annual meeting, as posted by cedars.. the faithful and discreet slave was not appointed at pentecost 33ce, meaning that there has not been a continuous line of members of the slave class on the earth down through the ages.
the slave class was only appointed for the first time by christ in 1919.the faithful and discreet slave is a small group of anointed brothers during jesus presence serving at watchtower headquarters who are directly involved in the preparing and dispensing of spiritual food.
the individual members of the governing body are not the faithful and discreet slave.
My mind is spinning from all this "new light" and I certainly dont understand it all. But how does this affect their teaching that God only works through an organization? In "In Search of Christian Freedom" under the section F&DS, Ray Franz discussed the two-class distinction and the teaching of the continuous, uninterrupted existense of the "slave class" though the centuries. He states "It becomes apparent that the overriding concern is to authenticate -and enforce-the view that God and Christ deal with people only through an organization, and that today that organization is the one connected with the Watchtower Society".
Of course, with this "new light" that no longer becomes the case. Do they now believe that throughout history, there was no such organization but God used only individuals(or no one?). That the organization instituted by Rutherford was the first time since the nation of Israel that God has used such an arrangement?
Had a visit on Saturday from 2 JWs
by poppers inin the course of my encounter i let them know how i felt about their shunning policy and how it destroys families, and referenced oompa.
the lady said there would be more suicides if they didn't disfellowship people!
I remember going out in FS when I would meet those "difficult" people. It was particularly impressionable when it was my door. It always made me not want to knock on any doors for fear of encountering another "difficult" person. But how you present it is everything to them. If you show them your not bitter or rude, and speak to them respectfully, that can make all the difference.
Good job though, hopefully you got some wheels in the head spinning. The fact that she is home schooled makes things very difficult.
Did God Invent Swords? - Logic Fallacies and Anachronisms
by cognisonance inwe need not conclude that our loving creator was the first one to make what we know as swords.
adam and eve saw turning in front of the angels something that was blazing.
by the time moses wrote the book of genesis, swords were well-known and used in warfare.
This is a fascinating threat. Never really though about this particular subject before