I'm going through the same process in some ways. I'm not married, and own my own business [work from home] - I need to be with more people. It is funny to me though, because the JWs who talk to me now are the same ones who talked to me when I attended the meetings. No love lost there. Meetings for me were not a social support in very many ways because I didn't fit the mould of what a single woman should look like. I didn't pioneer, I wasn't struggling financially, I was ambitious with my own business, I wasn't pining for a man, and I was smarter than almost everyone I met. I'm not bragging in any way - but those were and are the facts of my life.
I went through a time where I tried to just stay to myself. It didn't work out too well. So now, like you I go to events which I'm enjoying a lot. If it causes you too much grief to join those events without your husband, can you do things while he is at work?? You can start your own meetup group, or suggest meetups during the day while he is at work. Doing some volunteering during the day would A) get you out of the house and around people and B) Get him used to the idea that you do things without him while he is at work. It could be something simple like volunteering to help kids learn to read at a school or volunteer with an organization that supports people with cancer.
I've been going to some meetups, and it is sort of awkward or uncomfortable at first. But, the whole purpose of the meetup is to meet new people based on common interests. People are generally friendly, nice, and introduce themselves easily. So far, I've two super nice people who have initiated being friends with me. Feels good.
You've got lots of options. Take it step by step. Oh, and keep up the therapy. I'm doing it now, and it's a bugger, but I believe that people heal through listening. Your therapist should be there to listen to you. And, if something itsn't working, let them know. It's their job to help you figure out how to make it work.
We're all rooting for you!!