Yeah, I would play it cool. I don't have kids, but I do have children in my family that I am close to. I've heard more than once that a DA'd parent has to fight to keep their kids, and is portrayed in court as unfit. It really puts kids in the middle, and will do nothing to furthering your goal of having your husband and mother understand or even join you in your position.
You're getting good advice. Follow the AA motto: One Day at a Time. Don't DA, just for today.
I'm currently fading. I don't have anyone I'm trying to save, so it's probably easier - but I don't talk about why I don't go to meeting. At the same time, if someone in my life brings up something about the meeting or something that is important to them, then I am encouraging to them about it. It's not my place to change their mind. And, I think it keeps them from suspecting that I'm anything other than just "weak" and occupied with my work.
my .02 cents