If I'm honest, the truth is I don't care about most of it. I don't. I am actually agnostic. I used to say I'm an agnostic JW because there is so much that they speculate about but that we have no information on.
One reason I left is that I'm tired of trying to figure out if they were right or not, and I really don't want the label of apostate. I don't want my family to see me as dangerous. I'm not. I respect their right to believe what they want, even if they don't respect my right to disagree.
The other issue for me, which I have mentioned a number of times, is that I am struggling socially. But I have to say, I struggled socially while I was "in" too because I wasn't "in" enough.
This is the kind of stuff that gave me panic attacks while I was when and made me leave in the first place.