The other thing I think that contributes to the way men and women interact is the inherit emotional needs of men. By this I mean that men are driven to acheive status, and usually this is done at work. But, because they are encouraged not to be educated or to pursue a career, the only place for status left is within the organization. So you have ego starved men "reaching out" for the only allowable status by becoming a MS, Elder, CO, etc.
In my opinion, when you give uneducated, ego-starved men a little power and control (i.e. headship and teaching), the tendancy is to misuse it because they are desperate to keep it. So they become harsh, self-serving, and rigid. The rare elders or MS who are balanced, kind and loving often are men who have some level of status outside of the congregation, through success in a business, career, or profession. They tend to view the "position" in the congregation as a way to really serve others instead of a way to unconsciously satisfy their ego.
Of course, men and women suffer because of how things are set up and are prevented from having authentic relationships with each other. So, it's not US vs. Them. There are no winners here, only losers.