Common apologetic argument, Cold Steel...
But this is the typical "God of the Gaps" routine and believe me, we evil atheists hear it alllll the tiiiiiime.
Everything denotes there is a God. ...incredible order and symmetry that exists in the cosmos.
Ok, explain how that denotes a "god." Just because things are orderly and symmetrical does not offer proof of your claim that an all-powerful "god" exists. By your logic, you have backed yourself into a corner. For if your "god" exists, who made Him? And don't default to the usual apologetic answer that "He has no beginning." Infinite regression is an invalid form of argument. I want you to PROVE to me... How do you know God exists? And for something to exist, by your very logic, it must have had a beginning. So where did God come from?
I can easily give you a scientific reason for "order" in the universe. It's called entropy. If you take liquid butane and put it inside a tank of water in a zero-gravity environment, guess what--the butane forms a PERFECT sphere. But how??? Doesn't that violate the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics???? Actually, no, not at all. Different substances have different factors for entropy (or, the tendency to be in a state of disorder) and it just so happens that the chemical properties of water cause it to "want" to be in a disordered state more than butane does. So what you see as an end product is water shoving something else into an apparently orderly fashion because water has a higher tendency to rest in a disordered state.
Evolution is the same way. You point to a creature so perfectly fit for its surroundings and credit an intelligent designer. But, you must not fail to ignore that 4 billion years of trial and error fine-tuned that organism such that it appears to be a miraculous design of purpose. I hate to pee on your pop tart, Cold Steel, but think of the advantages you have now WITHOUT a "jealous and angry God" above you!