Thanks Lore!
I appreciate 3rd-party perspective. Perhaps my true motives in opening up to him are selfish. I am a loner by nature. Very introverted. But part of me doesn't want the burden of being the only JW in my family to "leave." I guess what appeals to me is the possibility that I may not have the entire load of dissapointing my family on my shoulders. Everytime he made a snide remark about JWs in front of our families during convention weekend, I felt tremendous relief, almost hoping that maybe HE would be the one to sever the ties and I could ride along on his coat tails.
On the other hand, I'm single, in my 30's and isolated and even I get depressed and have that constant feeling that I need to "look over my shoulder" so no one finds out about my feelings and choices. IF he is doubting too, he may have tremendous depression and internal conflict because he's got a wife and family tethered to him. Ugh... if he is a doubter, he's totally STUCK.
There are a lot of people in this situation...mentally checked out, but don't wanna pull that band-aid off the arm hair.