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JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Undercover Brother Campaign- have you received your invite?
by stuckinamovement inwithout specifics being mentioned as to what it is......(to avoid tipping off certain lurkers).. how many people know about the upcoming summer long campaign?
please use this thread to confirm receipt of your campaign invitation.
take care.
Signs From My Brother
by DarioKehl insigns: (really amped up in the last year).
claims to "spend hours on the internet.".
recently became an ms after 3 yrs of reproof.. after a few months, stepped down and relocated.. expresses no interest in becoming ms again, calling me saying "count me in for paintball again.".
Paintball is on the agenda real soon! In fact, most of the JWs who play with us could be potential escapees because they're already doing something they're "not supposed" to do. Each time we play, more and more of out worldly friends and relatives come along (with beer) and the JW players seem to be totally fine with it!
BTW, while at convention, my bro and I also had a nice hour-long chat about his flood doubts while soaking in the hot tub. I just sat there quietly and let him vent a little and then very subtly said, "Yeah...I find it interesting that even though the society insists it was global and not regional, the Egyptian and Chinese dynasties were totally unperturbed by the water. Maybe pagodas and pyramids float?" And he started laughing.
After the victory in France, JW's take the streets in celebration.
by NomadSoul in
There will be local fall-out in the B-room over this video. WT will go after the dancers, the filmer and the poster.
Signs From My Brother
by DarioKehl insigns: (really amped up in the last year).
claims to "spend hours on the internet.".
recently became an ms after 3 yrs of reproof.. after a few months, stepped down and relocated.. expresses no interest in becoming ms again, calling me saying "count me in for paintball again.".
Thanks Lore!
I appreciate 3rd-party perspective. Perhaps my true motives in opening up to him are selfish. I am a loner by nature. Very introverted. But part of me doesn't want the burden of being the only JW in my family to "leave." I guess what appeals to me is the possibility that I may not have the entire load of dissapointing my family on my shoulders. Everytime he made a snide remark about JWs in front of our families during convention weekend, I felt tremendous relief, almost hoping that maybe HE would be the one to sever the ties and I could ride along on his coat tails.
On the other hand, I'm single, in my 30's and isolated and even I get depressed and have that constant feeling that I need to "look over my shoulder" so no one finds out about my feelings and choices. IF he is doubting too, he may have tremendous depression and internal conflict because he's got a wife and family tethered to him. Ugh... if he is a doubter, he's totally STUCK.
There are a lot of people in this situation...mentally checked out, but don't wanna pull that band-aid off the arm hair.
Drama DC 2011
by inbetween inprelude:.
still being in, i had to attend the 3 day dc this year.
well, actually, it was not soooo bad.
Yes, Gayle
Even in 2008-2009, the convention I attended in the midwest had ~6,000 but the baptisms were 50-60 people. I've seen other posters on here and all seem to be reporting abyssmal numbers for 2010-2011! I believe YouTube especially is having a profound effect!
What do you think of the pictures (both illustrations and photos) in WT literature?
by Chemical Emotions ini used to really like the drawings as a kid.
the artists, i think, are usually pretty good, not so much at portraying emotions but in technical ways.
the photos always seemed silly to me.. so what do all of you think?.
Open up the inside covers of the newer TMS book.
Open up the Daniel and Isaiah books.
Browse any new WT or Awake! magazine and look at the paintings.
Hidden penises and very awkward (sexually suggestive) poses, positioning between people and the way staffs, spears and scrolls are grasped in their hands. My buddies and I started noticing this about 10 years ago and they're all painted in the same style. I think this one particular artist is putting these through as a joke. For real... check them out, it's undeniable once you look at them!
Signs From My Brother
by DarioKehl insigns: (really amped up in the last year).
claims to "spend hours on the internet.".
recently became an ms after 3 yrs of reproof.. after a few months, stepped down and relocated.. expresses no interest in becoming ms again, calling me saying "count me in for paintball again.".
SIGNS: (really amped up in the last year)
Claims to "spend hours on the internet."
Recently became an MS after 3 yrs of reproof.
After a few months, stepped down and relocated.
Expresses no interest in becoming MS again, calling me saying "Count me in for paintball again."
Shared with me that he "disturbed" a long-time JW friend by expressing doubts about the flood account.
Relayed his flood doubts to me in confidence.
Shared funny stories of a "weak brother" at his new hall and some of the hilarious and shocking things this guy says openly.
While attending convention, made countless witty remarks infront of our mom and his wife criticizing everything from the parking lot traffic directors, the "toes" prophecy (saying that he "doubts it's going to be anything new but we're supposed to make a big deal about it."), hating meetings and service and the "terrible new song book."*
*Incidentally, when HE says these things, he gets a "tsk-tsk" from wifey and momma. When I say anything remotely close to scandalous, I get sincere, audible gasps followed by teary-eyed lectures from wifey and momma.
He's always used "shock-and-awe" humor.
He's married with kids.
Both sides of our families and his wife are die-hard Dubs.
Turned down an invitation to go camping with me and some friends in April because he was auxillary pioneering and had to "get the rest of the hours in."
Am I reading too much into this?
Should I take a proactive step and open up to him about my doubts or is there too much risk involved?
If he's "mentally out" like me, I'd have the closest relationship with him than I've had since we were kids and I wouldn't feel so alone in deceiving our family.
I'd have flesh-and-blood to talk to about this for ONCE! Friends are good, but it's still a very alienating sensation and I get depressed about it often.
If he's not "mentally out," I completely risk outing myself!
If he is, what next? Sure we'd have a team dynamic, but the potential pain we will cause our families and the inevitable strain on his marriage and parenthood could spell disaster!
Ok, lay it on me!
JW nephew graduation party cancelled... your insight is requested
by Alfred ini have a jw nephew in another state who was at very the top of his high school senior class this year.
because of this, my sister (an elder's wife) had planned and sent out invitations to his "graduation party" which would be held at a community center with all the bells and whistles.
i actually bought plane tickets for my wife and i to attend this party immediately after receiving the invitation in the mail.
Rather than going straight for the Phantom Menace-style anti-JW lecture, I'd utilize the kink that's already in his armor. Ask him about the girl. Ask him if he still has feelings for her. Imagine how horrible this summer is for him, being totally in love (even if it's just a temporary fling) and having it completely stolen. Having a manipulative friend stab him in the back. The hurt, shame, embarrasment and blue balls are intolerable--I remember going through it myself. USE it. Get him to open up about his feelings for the girl, his frustration at the situation and then very carefully say something like, "Isn't it crazy how a volunteer organization can control people's lives SO MUCH?" and then relate a similar personal story. If he's a stellar 'Dub, be careful about attacking doctrine. Instead, emphasize how you're "still very spiritual" but you have some minor conflicts of interest about how people are treated in "matters just like the one you're going through." Establishing common ground is key. Leave it in his hands by offering to be there for support if he ever has to vent frustrations in the future. Say something like, "I know you respect and love your parents and they believe they're doing the right thing out of love, but there may be things you feel you can never share with them. If you've ever got something on your mind, you know I'm OK to talk to and anything you say or express stays in the vault. You're a good kid, hang in there and congratulations on graduating."
Good luck and keep us posted!
Drama DC 2011
by inbetween inprelude:.
still being in, i had to attend the 3 day dc this year.
well, actually, it was not soooo bad.
I agree...
Sunday's drama was most unusual. The writers seemed to go out of their way to demonize "weak youth" within the congregation. As I grew up in DubLand a zealous goodie-goodie, I had my share of rebellious enemies, but none were as vindictive and cruel as to "frame" someone. Ironically, as I continue my fade, I've reestablished contact with many of the "bad" people I was trained to hate on and report. It's been wonderful so far. I've had opportunities to apologize, make amends and share my story of awakening with them. And I've had the chance to even forgive others who "ratted" me out in the past. It's amazing how much everyone, even formerly incompatable personalities, can all get along now that we share a common bond of being stuck inside a powerful and highly controlling sect and escaping from it.
My favorite drama was Saturday's about that family! There is another post on here (as I've lurked daily for the past few weeks) discussing it in detail. I wanted to comment on it THE DAY I watched it because I was so stunned, but I didn't want to get busted around the group I was with. ANYWAY... It seems that there's a mole in the writing department or something! The way the Dub family was portrayed reminded me of the Stepford Wives! I leaned over and told my brother (who I strongly suspect has mentally faded but is stuck in with wife and kids) that "The only one who makes sense in this skit is the rebellious son and daughter!" They mentioned endosymbiotic theory--a topic I studied very closely as I attained my sinful college degree in the sciences. Does the GB/WBTS not think every doubting person--especially internet-savy young ones--aren't going to run home and Google "endosymbiotic theory?" Hell, they all have iPhones and Blackberries! I'm sure attendees are googling the info from their seats! I SURE DID. As I sat in my seat, I whipped out the smart phone and googled "endosymbiosis" to share with my brother giving him a "whaddya think about that?" look (he already doubts the flood account and laughed heartily when I wrote "OVERLAP!?!?!?" in large letters during the Friday morning talk). Back to Saturday drama topic: The wife, father and that ridiculous portrayal of a tween boy was nauseating. The GB/WBTS must actually think their drones behave and speak that way full time! They seemed like they were zombified! The "balloons in the football field" experiment only solidified how ridiclous it is to take the story of the flood literally and that little brown-nosing brat was just lappin' it up! His carefully placed questions were only there to encite guilt among the audience ("awwwww, he wants his big brother at family bible study night..." as teary-eyed DubMothers fan themselves). And the girl's worldly boyfriend was the one who actually said he heard about JWs by reading things online and told her they're a cult! They used the word CULT. Again, imagine a doubting elder, a jaded servant, new bible study, a troubled teen who hates being there, someone who responded to the invitation campaign, or a contribution box attendant with no one looking over their shoulder hearing that from the stage and thinking, "Really? I wonder what people are saying about us online. Oh wait a sec! I have an Android in my pocket!"
Other demonstrations throughout the weekend VERY CLEARLY left everyone in attendance with the following subliminal codes:
GOOD = GB/WBTS, self-sacrifice for the ministry more, more and MORE and not making your parents cry.
DEFINITELY BAD = the iPad, the internet, independent thinking, college, sports, dating, playing guitar, worldy people, texting, "Twilight," modern music (and hiding it in your dresser because Jah will make sure needy elders move into your room and get you busted!) and of course, any and all faded or inactive Dubs!!!
It's almost as if WBTS has a mole or they want people to search and start doubting so they can go after "brazen conduct!"
BTW: out of 6,000 people at the one I attended, 13---yes, only THIRTEEN--people took the plunge in the pool Saturday morning. 4 were children. I had to hide my tears as I ate my water-logged ham sammich.
Damn you Kingdom Melodies! Damn you to hell...
by unshackled ini haven't been anywhere near a jw meeting or convention in at least 8 or 9 years.
but this afternoon, i'm doing some weed trimming and suddenly realized i had this lyric playing in my head...over and over.... .
"ours is the god of true prophecy,.
As effed up as this seems, i'm kinda drawn to the throwback Kingdom Melodies I grew up on, especially after they released that new book full of the creepiest goll-dern mo-fo soundin' cult church droning I've ever heard in my life! Anyone else suffer panic attacks when they hear the new stuff??? I've successfully faded over the last 2 years, but when I go to the obligatory convention or assembly with my fam, that new stuff CONFIRMS that this organization is persuing a new and dreadful direction. I'd rather chase Ny-Quil with an Oreo cookie than hear this crappy poison!!!