Mad sweeney... you rock, bro!
Is there any chance you will upload your previous episodes to iTunes podcasts in the future? There are a few great podcasts on iTunes, but only one good one for Ex-JWs (Witnesses for Atheism). However, it's not for everyone, especially those who are curious. Their irreverent humor and profanity would offend some, possible scare others back into the bOrg (I happen to love it, but my soul has been damned for some time). HealingXJWs is very lousy, poorly prepared, terrible in sound quality, boring, and there's never a clear topic. After 8 minutes of horrible Jesusfreak music, the hosts will disappoint the listener by having a good guestlined up but totally destroy the interview with poor preparation. They ask the most ridiculous questions and you can tell they're not listening to the guest because they'll ask stuff that the person already said. I can't tell you how many times they've interviewed an author of a book, but obviously failed to prepare or read their work--in some cases, they don't even know what the book is about! Ugh!!! It's pure hell--we need a classy, informative podcast for exJWs or those on their way out. I've given very serious thought about starting one myself, but I'm a little jittery because I'm only faded. The host of Irreligiosophy (a hilarious ex Mormon podcast) told me that voices are as recognizable as faces and to be careful. I'd love to be able to listen to yours on the go without having to stream or leave my browser running on my smart phone. I'll tune in live tonight tho fo sho! Your program is WAY better than 6 Screens! (that's like comparing the Wall Street Journal to the Enquirer).