I cannot believe that illustration. Door to door? In the 1st Century?!?!? With Louis Vuitton satchels??? Containing SCROLLS????? I LOL'ed when I saw it in the ragazine and I LOL'ed again just now! That's the epitome of historical editing and academic dishonesty. I cannot believe the writing committee and art department signed off on that picture. It can easily be debunked. The fact that they're HANDING OUT PAMPHLETS IN SCROLL FORM implies that there was a governing body (albeit lowercase) publishing the material on parchment. The NERVE!
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
Does the Watchtower really parallel 1st Century Christianity?
by Emery ini wanted to get a list of arguments that illustrate how the watchtower society is or isn't following 1st century christianity today.
thanks again everyone!.
I'm An Adult... Who's Always Wanted to Do Halloween.
by DarioKehl ini really wanna play catch-up!
i have a great group of "heathen worldlings," faded and exjws and i'm gonna try and arrange something for this year.
there are tons of clubs in my city that throw fantastic parties.
Yup! That's the plan. I know no one in my apostabunch would tag me. I wanna do a head-to-toe masterpiece!
I'm An Adult... Who's Always Wanted to Do Halloween.
by DarioKehl ini really wanna play catch-up!
i have a great group of "heathen worldlings," faded and exjws and i'm gonna try and arrange something for this year.
there are tons of clubs in my city that throw fantastic parties.
There's a great Halloween store next to a Starbucks in my town. One autumn, there was a theme party at a JWs house and we all went into that store after a FS break at Starbucks lol! It was great! We walked out of there with tons of outfits and I jokingly said we should leave a tract to keep our time going and the elder in our group said "No way! Are you kidding?"
I'm An Adult... Who's Always Wanted to Do Halloween.
by DarioKehl ini really wanna play catch-up!
i have a great group of "heathen worldlings," faded and exjws and i'm gonna try and arrange something for this year.
there are tons of clubs in my city that throw fantastic parties.
I really wanna play catch-up! I have a great group of "heathen worldlings," faded and exJWs and I'm gonna try and arrange something for this year. There are tons of clubs in my city that throw fantastic parties. I feel no sense of "weirdness" in wanting to do this. None at all. I've had over 35 years to think about what I'd wanna go as. So, my biggest challenge is deciding on a costume. My second-biggest challenge will be to avoid being photographed and tagged on any social networking sites because I'm only faded with several generations on both sides still inside the bOrg. This would sever all ties I still have with them. Oh well... I'm not gonna let that put a damper on the fun. Here are a few ideas I have for my first getup:
1) King Tut (with golden face and body, eyeliner and a nemes hat)
2) Zombie Mohammed (but I won't go in public for fear of having my throat slit)
3) Pennywise the Clown from Stephen King's IT
4) Jambi the Genie from Pee-Wee's Playhouse
5) The LMFAO Robot
6) Darth Vader, a Storm Trooper or Emperor Palpatine
Does this board have any other ideas? Is anyone else dressing up? For those of you who have done it, is it as fun as it looks? I have no conscience issues with birthdays or X-mas, but I have no desire to celebrate them. They really seem like they'd be a chore. Every year, it's an obligation to buy gifts. I'm not sure I wanna start that cycle. But Halloween has always been the holiday I wished I could participate in. Back in the 80s when costume parties were still allowed, those were my favorite thing to do! I'm even thinking about volunteering at a haunted house this year just for $#!+s and giggles!
I Want Proof Jesus Even Existed
by Farkel indon't bother me with the josephus addendum.
i've already seen that debunked.. i am quite aware of the fact that the only evidence of jesus comes from his own followers who didn't even bother to write down his life for decades after jesus "died.
" don't know about you, but if i saw all that shit, i would have gone home and written three books about it that same day!.
There is none. Reseach the "Q" source. It's amazing! The synoptic gospels are a JOKE. Scholars theorize that Mark was written first while Luke and Matthew were written much later and are obvious works of plagiarism. "Q" may have been a common list of Jesus quotes. The areas where Mark, Matthew and Luke deviate from each other give evidence that each author cherry picked quotes from another unknown source called "Q."
Also, google "New Testament Plagiarism from Hebrew Scriptures" and prepare to be blown away. Of course, as JWs and ex-JWs, we may be familiar with most of these similarities because it was pounded into our heads that any similarity is "PROOF of the Bible's accurate prophecies!" Bah Humbug! The New Testament is nothing more than a pastiche of old Jewish writings and tweaked enough to start a new religion DECADES after Christ was allegedly living. Moses and Jesus have so many similarities it's astonishing: (A ruling king orders the execution of all babies in the land at news of their arrival. Moses and Jesus both impressed religious leaders with their intelligence as children, both fasted alone for 40 days, both made many identical quotes--some verbatim--about freeing "my people.") Isaac and Jesus do as well (They were both products of miraculous births. Their dad's both offered them up for sacrifice. Isaac had to gather the wood for the altar, Jesus had to carry his "toture stake," Abraham's altar was built on the same mountain later identified as the Mt. of Olives). King David and Jesus: (David's sidekick drew a sword against Absalom's sidekick and David told him to put it away just like Jesus said to Peter when he drew his sword---BOTH ACCOUNTS occured in the Garden of Gethsemane!) Sure, you can say "Hey! Proof of prophecy!" Or, you can apply Occam's Razor and ask what's more likely? And why would the almighty creator of the universe confine himself within the perameters of a literary device like forshadowing? "Oh, well, you see, this account pictures that... you know... just because. Why? Because! Jehovah made it that way..."
Another glaring example even appears in the NWT. At Mark 13:14, the author--obviously copying from another pamphlet--mistakenly includes instructions that are so out of place it will blow your mind. Surely, Jesus wouldn't have said, "let the reader use discernment" as a parenthetical aside during his speech about the last days LOL! That's like an actor saying "exit stage right" or "turn page" in the middle of a play! Ridiculous.
Please Help! Wife want PROOF of Watchtower Deception
by Indian Larry inplease post any examples of clear cut watchtower deception.
my wife does not believe that the watchtower would purposely decieve her.
i need clearcut examples of deception of by the wtbts.
Indian Larry...
Here is a TERRIFIC YouTube channel that discusses very modern examples of WT ploys. Many JWs immediately dismiss any discussion about "old doctrine." I think you will have better success showing outrageous ploys in current literature. This guy records actual footage and enlarged scans of new books and mags and refutes them with other WT publications and exposes their tendency to quote sources dishonestly. I hope this helps...
The link probably won't be clickable, but just go to YouTube and search for the channel name: WakeUpWitness
Good luck.
Help me wake up my friends please!
by MsGrowingGirl20 ini know that this may be impossible and will surely get me a judicial comittee but i'm tired of keeping mum about how i feel.
so, i'm going to e-mail my two friends (two women under 35 who both got baptised within the last five years and one married a brother this year.they're both pioneers) and tell them what's bothering me and ttatt.. i'm going to do it tomorrow night.
i have some points already but i may have left out some.
my 2 cents: talk to them each separately in person so there aren't "two eyewitnesses" to your "crime." avoid email or any electronic communication that can be printed or forwarded. unless you're ready to take a sail on the Big Boat (the disfella ship).
Confused in choosing a career. What would be a better choice?
by will-be-apostate ini had started a topic like this a few months ago but i thought it might be usefull to ask you again.
i really need advise from persons who live in the following countries: usa, canada, uk.
Congrats on your decision to pursue a college education. I don't mean to be a pessimist, but I'm going to be very honest with you. Right now, in the US, the economy is horrendous. I have a college degree and it's been difficult finding a job. Companies seem to be apprehensive about hiring new employees due to the yet-unknown costs of Obama's health care law (that's my theory anyway). However, the economy will recover. While you're in school, it won't matter. Perhaps by the time you complete your degree, you will graduate in a strong economic environment. The medical profession is very "iffy" right now. Many doctors and med students fear that they will not make the same amount of money once Obamacare takes effect. Obviously, you seem intelligent and drawn to the sciences. Have you considered a career in research?
Favorite JW Urban Legends
by Christ Alone inwhat are your favorite urban legends that you heard as a jw?.
here's mine:.
a brother, through his work, was asked to give a speech to the united nations.
I've got some doozies!
The old worldy woman who named her black lab "Jehovah" and it attacked and killed her.
The walking smurf.
The story of the new bethelite who, on his first day, ran into Nathan Knorr in the elevator. He said, "How ya doin', Nate?" and was sent home for being disrespectful (there are many awful stories about this man and elevators...ever noticed?).
Elderly women JWs knocking on a door. A doberman runs around the corner of the house in attack mode and mysteriously drops to the ground until they leave the property.
Any JW prayers being answered by bags of groceries on the front porch at "just the right time."
Ouija boards flying across the room or cutting forearm flesh of worldy people who recently began studying.
Demonic trinkets from garage sales refusing to burn.
Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, KISS and the TV show Mr. Ed talking about Satan when played backwards.
Smurf merchandise being thrown out from every JW home in 1983-1984 (but every JW family I knew secretly kept their Thriller albums even after MJ was DFed and within a few years, he was acceptable music at JW wedding receptions).
JW fad/crazes: 1970's anti-sugar craze. 1980's aluminum/alzheimers craze. 1990's MLM crazes (mulit-vitamins, NONI juice, long distance phone cards and herbal lotions). 2000's post-9/11 "re-zealification," 2010's emerging closted apostamovements ;)
The cheating, unfaithful JW brother who was having an affair. He and his mistress went to a large sporting event (World Series was the version I heard) and the ball was batted into the grandstands. Elders in his hometown saw him on the TV broadcast making out in the row in front of the guy who caught the ball... hmmmm... has anyone ever seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off????
There were also many doozies published in some of the yearbooks. I forget the year, but there were countless experiences of prayer causing Jedi-like mind tricks on the SS and many JWs avoided many disaters miraculously (SS guard looked inside an oven full of WT mags and "didn't see" them?). Does anyone remember that yearbook? Which year was it?
A New Language
by mamochan13 ini remember years ago cos telling the congregation how important it was to know the "new language" because we would be identified by it and it could save us when the end came.
they gave examples like "rendezvous for service" which was popular at the time.
lots of others.
TTATT is another good one.
I also enjoy some of the witty vernacular like "watchtarded, Asleep!, Beth-Hell, Jayhoover, elderette, piosneer and Kingdumb Hell." Lol!