Indian Larry
You say your wife beleives the society is the FDS ask her when were they appointed that.1919 ? Go to the publications C.T.Russells writings on what they were teaching in those books phamplets etc. Things like the official magazine "Zions WatchTower and Herald of Christs Presence"
C.T.Russell obviously beleived in Zionism....JW`s today dont beleive that
C.T.Russell taught Jesus Christ presence began in 1874......JW`s today dont beleive that
C.T.Russell taught that all the Governments of the world would be destroyed by God , and Gods Kingdom would be established in the year 1914....JW`s today dont beleive that
C.T.Russell obviously beleived in pyramidology because he used it in publications he wrote..........JW`s today dont beleive that
The WatchTower had on its front cover a depiction of the masonic symbol a cross and a crown,the KNights Of Templar......JW`s today have no connection with the FreeMasons
These were beleifs,practices,symbols that were used well pass the time of death of C.T Russell in 1916 , some not even changed till about 1943 , so if all these practices are considered false by Jehovah`s Witnesses today,how could Jesus Christ have approved them as a faithfull servant in 1919.?.....He obviously could not.
If you read what the WTB&TS of today says about what was said/ printed back then it is not what the original books said.In other words go to the original writings and publications of C.T.Russell and not what the JW`s now claim he said..... The deception stands out like a sore toe
I recomend you both look at" Captives Of A Concept"by Don Cameron