Ok, thank you yadda yadda. I was about to blow a gasket!
JoinedPosts by DarioKehl
2012 annual meeting notes
by lostinthought insorry for the wait guys.... .
part one.
moorse had the opening comments talked about historic annual meetings.. .
So to clarify, Jesus Christ is the mediator for only these 8 men. Is that right? Am I making a mistake anywhere? That's the official doctrine now? If that's the way they're going to go with this, it's time to start calling them out! ...WOW.
If this rumor proves to be true in the next few days/weeks/months, is it safe to say that the new official JW doctrine is that Christ is only the mediator for 8 men on planet earth?
Are Aliens Monitoring Nuclear Weapons?
by metatron innot a joke:.
keep in mind that the people with their fingers on the button are among the most heavily vetted folks around.
Distances between planets are too vast. If they travel in "warp drive," they F up their own relative planetary time frame. Wormhole/inter-dimensional travel is almost impossible. For a ship to open it's own porthole, the energy required to initiate it would be equal to the amount of energy released by a sun-sized star over it's 9 billion year lifetime. This just isn't possible.
What Made You Question "The Truth"?
by minimus inin the the early 1970's, i used to enjoy going to assemblies, conventions and hear special talks given by bethel heavies.. in those days, we were believers and we applied ourselves as "ministers" with pride.. once the "end" was obviously not within our "generation", many of us started losing interest.. we started to think more critically.
it took a long time but once you start recognizing the bullsh*t, it's hard to stay in and truly believe at the same time.. .
Meeting Lett.
That did. That started it all for me. See the "getting to know" thread.
by mtwtf inwts shunning my venting #3. on my rough estimate there may be 50 wts victims of enforced shunning for every one wts child abuse victim.
(it is recognized that greater trauma is inflicted on abuse victims.
) with such a large pool of shunned dubs, a number must have suffered such bad experiences as to warrant conti-like cases against the wts.
Maybe a strong anti-bullying law...
We've seen culture shift in the 20th Century. Hell, some states still have laws against homosexuality on their books but they just don't enforce them anymore. The culture has shifted and people can face serious consequences for discrimination and even be charged with hate crime if a prejudice motive is evident in a crime against a gay person.
Another example is the huge cultural shift in public smoking over the last 20 years. People's personal objections to it eventually influenced policies within businesses and finally at the level of city and state governments. Similarly, I think we're seeing the beginning of a shift against bullying. Bullying is in people's sights now. It's such a general term that it could cover a wide range of situations. (Then again, the word "bigot" has done nothing to change JW's treatment towards gays.)
*sigh*...This is such a dicey problem. I'd love to see churches held accountable for human rights violations with shunning, but I'd actually be opposed to a new draconian anti-bullying law. Imagine: people could bring a case against you for simply hurting their feelings in an internet debate. Ugh... WT really has people by the balls, don't they? And they know it. Perhaps the best thing to do is let their slow bleeding run its course. They won't be this influential forever. People are waking up now and it's a pretty exciting time!
Spiders On Mars?
by metatron incheck it out:.
whatever they are, they move.
I would love for this to be large colonies of photosynthetic microorganisms. These vanish in the martian winter and return in the martian summer! At the moment, most scientists hypothesize that they're CO2 geysers. I'm no geologist, but so far, I don't know of any geological events that positively correlate with seasonal change. Anything is possible, though! It could be a CO2 thaw, but I'm surprised the vapor isn't pure white. We've all seen dry ice, right? It's white and sublimes into a beautiful cloud-white vapor.
My only question on the geyser theory is this: Where are the shadows? If these are giant plumes, shadows would be visible emerging from their bases. Shadows are detectable on large natural and man-made objects from Google Earth, so where are the shadows here? (yeah, you can tell i'm really hoping it's microbial life, can't you?)
JW saved by Bovine Blood Product
by cantleave innot sure if this has be posted before, i apologise if it has... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1383586/cows-blood-saves-life-crash-victim-world-procedure.html.
doctors have saved the life of a woman car crash victim with the first ever use of cows blood.. tamara coakley, 33, rejected a life-saving conventional blood transfusion because of her jehovahs witness faith despite being close to death.. but in a worlds first procedure, a synthetic blood substitute made from cow plasma was used to revive the patient just as her heart was failing through severe blood loss.. the success of the procedure could help combat the worldwide blood supply shortage.. mrs coakleys religion permits the use of blood substitutes and doctors in melbourne, australia, flew in ten unites of the haemoglobin- based experimental plasma called hboc-2-1 from the united states where it is being developed by the military.. the cows blood product was painstakingly administered over two days to mrs coakley, who had been in a medically-induced coma following a horrific car collision last october.. after a few close calls, including a bout of pneumonia, the patients haemoglobin levels more than doubled.. mrs coakley was overwhelmed by the lengths doctors went to save her life and respect her personal choices.. more...ultimate health cocktail: scientists devise blend of 13 fruit juices so good for you it could lower heart disease risk .
im glad something positive could come out of it.
Agreed, Blondie! Why isn't this gal getting DFed then? It will be interesting to see if she gets in any trouble now. Especially after this story is public to the world!
JW saved by Bovine Blood Product
by cantleave innot sure if this has be posted before, i apologise if it has... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1383586/cows-blood-saves-life-crash-victim-world-procedure.html.
doctors have saved the life of a woman car crash victim with the first ever use of cows blood.. tamara coakley, 33, rejected a life-saving conventional blood transfusion because of her jehovahs witness faith despite being close to death.. but in a worlds first procedure, a synthetic blood substitute made from cow plasma was used to revive the patient just as her heart was failing through severe blood loss.. the success of the procedure could help combat the worldwide blood supply shortage.. mrs coakleys religion permits the use of blood substitutes and doctors in melbourne, australia, flew in ten unites of the haemoglobin- based experimental plasma called hboc-2-1 from the united states where it is being developed by the military.. the cows blood product was painstakingly administered over two days to mrs coakley, who had been in a medically-induced coma following a horrific car collision last october.. after a few close calls, including a bout of pneumonia, the patients haemoglobin levels more than doubled.. mrs coakley was overwhelmed by the lengths doctors went to save her life and respect her personal choices.. more...ultimate health cocktail: scientists devise blend of 13 fruit juices so good for you it could lower heart disease risk .
im glad something positive could come out of it.
Current JW blood doctrine analogy:
Cars are banned for purchase or driving.
Use of: car exhaust, electricity generated from the battery, the cool from the AC, the heat from the heater, the radio, CD and mp3 ports, the cup holders, the glove compartment, the trunk, the comfy seats, arm rests, mirrors and the spare tire are all acceptable if your conscience allows you to use them--provided it's from a donated or borrowed vehicle. And you can't share these comforts with anyone else.
Car factories? oh, well... yeah, those are fine.
JW saved by Bovine Blood Product
by cantleave innot sure if this has be posted before, i apologise if it has... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1383586/cows-blood-saves-life-crash-victim-world-procedure.html.
doctors have saved the life of a woman car crash victim with the first ever use of cows blood.. tamara coakley, 33, rejected a life-saving conventional blood transfusion because of her jehovahs witness faith despite being close to death.. but in a worlds first procedure, a synthetic blood substitute made from cow plasma was used to revive the patient just as her heart was failing through severe blood loss.. the success of the procedure could help combat the worldwide blood supply shortage.. mrs coakleys religion permits the use of blood substitutes and doctors in melbourne, australia, flew in ten unites of the haemoglobin- based experimental plasma called hboc-2-1 from the united states where it is being developed by the military.. the cows blood product was painstakingly administered over two days to mrs coakley, who had been in a medically-induced coma following a horrific car collision last october.. after a few close calls, including a bout of pneumonia, the patients haemoglobin levels more than doubled.. mrs coakley was overwhelmed by the lengths doctors went to save her life and respect her personal choices.. more...ultimate health cocktail: scientists devise blend of 13 fruit juices so good for you it could lower heart disease risk .
im glad something positive could come out of it.
No, falseprophet...
But I'm sure if you had fractional sausage or fractional blood pudding, that would be AOK.