Do JWs force people to join their religion? According to their FAQ, "No, we do not."
this is from the last talk of the convention ......... clip 1:30 minutes long
Do JWs force people to join their religion? According to their FAQ, "No, we do not."
add to the list and let's see the weekend out on a positive note!
1. sunday mornings.
alarm not set, cuddles with the mrs, tunes in the bedroom, coffee, bacon, another lazy coffee in the garden .
my apologies of this topic has been covered already - please redirect me if it has:.
current belief is:.
watchtower (study edition), april 15th, 2010 issue, pages 27-29:.
Um, hello? Hey, it's Dario--th-th-the guy who doesn't post very regularly. Yeah, hey so sorry to interrupt, but I have a question:
(Record needle scratch)
WTF--why does ANY of this "generation" shit even MATTER anymore now that types/antitypes are no longer a thing as of this spring?
(drops mic. crickets)
i picked up a printed copy of the june 1 2015 public edition wt..... before the end of page 1, the stupidity is already evident.. they quote a dictionary, but don't list which one.. they quote a "world- famous physicist", but don't give his name.
the quote looks like it is edited to fit their reasoning.. they quote "others", but no reference to who they are is provided.. the next page quotes "a popular science writer" who??.
then the classic line "jehovah's witnesses respect each person's right to make a decision on this matter".
And they have the nerve to say "apostate LIES!" any time we call them out on things like this.
this is the one thing they do that really pisses the shit out of me. It's willful dishonesty. At least with protecting kiddie diddlers they can cite scripture to back up their stupid reasoning. There are ZERO scriptural references that excuse this blatant dishonesty.
in 1897, j.j. thomson discovered the electron.
this was the first constituent part of the atom which, for 2,000 years, was thought to be indivisible.
today, we know of 18 elemental particles following the recent discovery of the higgs boson, the so-called god particle.. back in 1897, most people believed in god because there weren't even any theories as to how the universe came into being.
You can't prove a negative. Look at the discovery of every transitional species' fossil. All creationist have to say is, "well you just made 2 MORE gaps--what was before and after Tiktaalik? Checkmate, atheists!"
they will ALWAYS fall back on the god of the gaps fallacy. Russell's Teapot is an analogy published in the 50s and it will stand the test of time.
thanks to bu2b and splash who mentioned this quote in another thread!.
but i thought it deserved a thread all of its own, such is the impact of this:.
the very best example of going beyond the things written comes from a 2008 watchtower.
Lol! Great observation! I can't believe stuff like that went right over my head when I was still in.
"going beyond what is written," huh? You mean like
reporting service hours
types/antitypes (whoopsie, never mind!)
blood transfusions/organ transplants/immunizations
spikey gelled hair/"lines" in hair
backwards ball caps
tight pants
baggy pants
colorful dress socks, non-white dress shirts or non-boring ties
smurfs & pokemon
mandatory pantyhose
women not giving talks or running mics
school clubs and sports
charity/volunteer or community participation
chaperoned dating & dating "with a view to marriage"
skydiving & bungee jumping ("high risk" also meant skiing and obtaining a pilot's lisence in my hall)
"qualifying" for "privileges" like being on the list to mow the Khall lawn
bethel dress code
bethel prayer before AND AFTER meals
R-rated movies
teen novels
posters in teen rooms
"debased" porn being worse than "regular" porn
convention rules (traveling, saving seats & hotel reservations)
convention badges
ranks: elder, MS, pioneer
pants suits
theme parties
independant bible study
congregation parties (almost non-existant, or can't be too large)
colored hair
spanking your kids
no toys or coloring books for toddlers during 2-hour meetings
*****But the following are ok?******
multi-level marketing schemes
watchtower & awake (trademarked, corporate magazines)
ipads & iPhones in the hall lapel pins & merchandise
cartoons during the service meeting
pharrell's "happy" in a khall
gossip/letting confidential stuff "slip"
known child molesters
"rounding up" service time
1.5 hour-long breaks in FS
not tipping (sorry, tracts don't count)
heavy dependence on coffee, alchohol &antidepressants
graduation parties & wedding anniversaries (honestly, I'm surprised these 2 celebrations have made it this long... HOW are THEY not "idolatry" when Mother's Day & Father's Day ARE?)
only the elite get away with being rich, while the average R&F dub is cockblocked at every opportunity to improve themselves
a few days ago, a jw apologist posted a thread with a similar title.
although he was defending their behavior, i've observed this cycle as well.
i have a different spin on it, though.. how often do you see posts from people who are upset that "no one even bothers to check in on me," only to read as many threads about "they keep calling & texting--why won't they leave me alone?
A few days ago, a JW apologist posted a thread with a similar title. Although he was defending their behavior, I've observed this cycle as well. I have a different spin on it, though.
how often do you see posts from people who are upset that "no one even BOTHERS to check in on me," only to read as many threads about "they keep calling & texting--why won't they leave me alone?" I'll admit this double standard. I do it all the time. In both scenarios, I find a reason to get upset about it. Yes, I want them to leave me alone, but I also want to know people give a damn. Then I forget how much of a pickle THEY are in. Whether they're a diehard believer or a closeted doubter, they're just as conflicted and apprehensive about how to approach us because they're facing the same social pressure cooker that we all experienced! How quickly we forget. often, I have to tap the brakes and force myself to remember how it was inside (and it wasn't even that long ago).
if you're still in but aware of TTATT, or trying to execute a smooth and painless fade, falling into this trap of anger & resentment will create a perpetual motion machine. It's happened to me with a few JWs. They may reach out & I get offended that they're probing into my business. Or, they may give me the cold shoulder if they see me in public and I get so angry about it. Either way, in both cases, I've engaged in self-destructive behavior by GIVING THEM MORE REASON to continue the treatment. "They obviously think bad of me already so I might as well give em something to talk about!" So I'll mention an R-rated movie or "questionable" TV show. I wear a scandalous metal band shirt. I'll do a burn out at a green light if I know they're watching. Anything to piss em off! Then the cycle continues.
i envy you guys who've made a clean exit. If it wouldn't utterly destroy my family, I'd have left a long time ago with both middle fingers in the air.
please take pity on me someone and help.. i was going to say that i suffer from aspergers syndrome but actually, i've come to rather enjoy it.. no, seriously, i really do have aspergers which is why my posts may seem a little odd to some of you.
ok, they may seem bloody odd to most of you.. my world exists in a binary frame.
things are or they are not.. i know that in the "real world" things might be or might not be as well as are and are not.
first of all, hello and welcome. Second, is your name spelled doLtologist with a lowercase "L" or doItologist with an uppercase "I?" I want to pronounce it correctly in my head when I read it.
Side note: I just wanted to say that I've met, worked with and befriended many people with Aspberger's and I find them all fascinating and enjoyable; some of my favorite, deepest conversations have been with them. It's very refreshing to dialogue with others who have that unique approach to everything. I've wondered sometimes if I don't have it a little myself (I'm quite tired of all the comparisons to Sheldon, but I can't say I disagree with them).
I met one guy recently at a secular humanist group I belong to and I had no idea. We chatted, bantered, engaged in petty small talk...
when I was gathering my things to leave, he approached me, shook my hand and said, "I have to tell you something. I have Asperger's. Every laugh, chuckle, facial expression and gesture I've shared with you was an act I've been practicing. How did I do?"
He followed with a warning not to be offended or disturbed if his reactions or timing don't fit the situation in future conversations. 10,000 respect points for him. Seriously. That was an awesome way of him to explain it to me.
If you don't mind me asking, what other challenges do you face besides "black & white" thinking and do these challenges ever bother you?
final thought: if you're gifted with this unique approach at processing information, the inevitable conclusion will be atheism. You will take that journey on your own and it's an amazing ride. I'll save a seat for you at the Roundtable of Skeptics. :) bible and tract.
started 5/27/2015.
This is wonderful. Any neutral observer or doubting JW will see Fisherman's Eric Hovind style of defending himself.
It's best not to engage with an idiot. You'll invest time and energy trying to reason and it's wholly ignored. Don't cast pearls before swine. Don't play chess with pigeons. Fisherman is a troll. Don't engage him at all. We can dismantle his comments and highlight the logical fallacies and question dodging among ourselves while he chatters to himself. Do not engage him. I'm officially disfellowshipping Fisherman with my invisible authority. Shunning starts NOW.
(Talk ABOUT him all you want. You know... Like JWs do)
even if you don't regard yourself as a practicing jw, some may view you simply as inactive, a lost sheep, etc.. if you were baptized but not disfellowshipped or disassociated, you may still be a jw---right?
your thoughts please..
Inactive/faded atheist but not DFed nor open about my atheism.
The reasons are purely to maintain peace & amicable contact with my immediate family. If it weren't for them, I'd have exited in a very dramatic and highly visible way. I don't give 2 shits about "the friends" still in--i can easily turn a page and walk away from every last one of them & never regret it. What I cannot do is hurt my family.
it pisses me off to no end when fellow exjws chastise those of us who choose to remain in for whatever reason. I mark them off as well---easily. Every person's circumstances are unique and it is rude & invasive to pass judgment on anyone who choses to handle this delicate balance in the way that best suits them. It's not cowardly and it's not hypocritical--it's loving. I have a very polite "go f**k yourself" to anyone who disparages people who don't exit the "right" way. Had enough judgement in my life; done with it.