Best answer: they don't address these at all.
The default response goes like this: "God must've had some reason for putting them there, but certainly mankind cannot offer the explanation. For, 'it does not belong to man, even to direct his step.' It's questions like these that will be answered in the New Scrolls--we'll learn so many marvelous things about God's creation that we can't possibly understand while we're imperfect. But be careful asking such questions in this Time of The End. The True answer to this doesn't have any impact on making it through Armeggedon, so for now, it would be wise to stand firm in the face of doubt and stay focused on the more important spiritual things. For the way to God's Kingdom is cramped and narrow. Those 'scientists' are on the broad and spacious path and they are pulling many of our brothers and sisters away with their feeble fleshly teachings. Avoid independant thinking!"
How'd I do? Feel like barfing yet? My teeth feel gritty from just writing that.