One advantage to keeping them uneducated is that they'll likely never know or understand terms like "vestigial traits."
They have the Creation book with the same long-debunked apologetics used by all other creationist religions. Their best device is the elipsis (...) when quoting any secular authority or scientist. They omit the parts that conflict with what they're promoting and dishonestly quote professionals in order to make it appear they're saying the exact opposite of their original statement. They use these devices to create straw men arguments, making the believer feel that their refutations are necessary and sound when neither condition is the case.
ALL JWs should be exposed to these terms and encouraged to google them:
endosymbiotic theory
RNA world and clay substrates
shared pseudogenes & retroposons
GLO gene knock-out mutation/vitamin C deficiency btwn humans, chimps & bonobos
human/chimp chromosomal fusion
Vitellogenin (egg yolk protein) gene in humans