From my view, they're deep in the frustration stage. They have been since 2007 when all this shit started changing. I'm going off memory here, so my years may be off!
2007: early alert in wt study article; first time we heard the call to obey even if things don't make sense "from a human standpoint." They likened future WBTS/GB decisions to gods holy diversions in the Sainai wilderness (forget exact article, but late 07--100% positive)
2008: no more book studies.
2009: public/vs private wt editions. First hint that new anointeds are nuts.
2010: new generation appears in study article for first time. Not acknowledged again until 2011 convention. Creepy-as-hell creepy-ass songbook--all the classics were gutted. Infamous "...nor do we need to know" comment regarding the number of anointed remnant. "Brazen conduct" appears in regular publications (but was only in secret shepherd manual until then).
2011: Sparlock! JW dot org rebranding officially goes into swing. Infamous "mentally diseased" article takes off. "Overlap" officially mentioned at convention.
2012: Menlo Park scandal (a prelude to the property grab). Candice Conti trial begins. Pioneer requirement reductions. Magazines become much skinnier. TERMINOLOGY CHANGE: District convention = "regional." Presiding overseer = COBE., etc
2013: sell-offs in Brooklyn go from rumor to confirmed. Conti verdict & appeal. More anti-apostate rhetoric from convention talk. DOs demoted. GB consolidates power = to faithful slave. New bible. "Brazen conduct" replaces "loose conduct" in revised NWT.
2014: tight pants revisited. More sell-offs. Int'l conventions ignore 100 yr anniversary of 1914. JW broadcasting launched & immediately backfires due to open criticism from general public. Conti appeal and GB no-show. Crackdown on education/punish elders if family member goes to school is leaked. Assemblies reduced to 1 day. New songbook to replace back cover penis pic. Street carts. "Happy" video.
2015: Conti settlement, leaks and leaks and more leaks! More property cuts. New songs constantly added via website only. Shift to release in eFormat rather than paper, KH funds & property takeover, skinny mags announced to go bi-monthly and TMS school axed. Immediate bethel & sp layoffs, royal commission, money begging on video, Lett pedo denial on video, Morris blames pedos on gays on video. "Return" brochure rallies families to snag faded relatives. Memorial partaking continues to soar as exiting climbs.
Frustrating indeed! The Nightmare Phase will be interesting because I believe even the GB themselves won't be able to cope.